
  • The Role of Vulnerability in Building Strong Romantic Partnerships

    Date de l'article : 24.12.2022
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Début de l'événement : 17.12.2023
    Fin de l'événement : 19.12.2023
    Chapo de l'article : The 5 Warning Signs Of A Bad Relationship
    Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
    The Truth About Women’s Dating Blogs
    Is Bradley Cooper The Male Carrie Bradshaw?
    My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
    The Little Things Women Do That Turn Men On
    Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
    Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
    The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
    Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
    10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
    Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian

    Just finished reading Saibear’s blog and skimming through the posts. I try to mostly stay a silent observer on these things, but I feel the need to add my voice to this conversation. My voice being the voice of a NON-feminist brother.

    Point Black – if a man is not trying to holla at you, most of the time it has nothing to do with your political views or intelligence – he most likely is just not that attracted to you. Never in my 37 years of life have I ever heard or encountered a Black man who said “oh she is fine, but I don’t like her politics”. As a heterosexual male, please believe me if we find a woman physically attractive and even think that she has just a OK personality, we are not going to let your politics get in the way.

    In my opinion, if a man is not reciprocating the interest of a woman, there is only a short list of what is going on – 1) He does not find you physically attractive (in my single days, if I had someone in the friendbox, this was the #1 reason), 2) He does not like your personality , 3) He likes you and does not know how to close the deal or 4)He already has a woman somewhere and he is one of those rare brothers that actually respect the boundaries of relationships.

    That is it. Normal every day heterosexual males are not complex….

    July 15, 2010 at 4:31 pm
    @Saibear. Thank you very much for the clarification. I understand your position much better. Yes, it can be very difficult to tease out all the issues in general never mind in a blog post. Everyone who writes — especially on a public, online forum — struggles with that. If it were all that simple, we woulda done kicked patriarchy’s ass by now. :-0

    @Toldja. There’s been a whole lotta of assignation going on both ends. I’ll take responsibility and apologize for any leaps I might have made. (Keep in mind that I’m carrying with me some comments made on the blog where the original post lives and not just what was said here. In fact, the position, “You are heteronormative, that’s wack and we aren’t trying to hear it” was the at the core of a comment ironically that came from a poster who in her initial post was very dismissive of the blog’s author.” Perhaps not everyone who is posting here has read all that’s been posted there; my bad for assuming that.)
    TheRoleOfVulnerabilityInBuildingStrongRo (Blog)
    créée le 17.12.2024 à 10:34, mise à jour le 17.12.2024 à 10:34.

    Special Kind of Fool: My Journey to Understanding Deep Love

    Date de l'article : 19.12.2021
    Début de l'événement : 26.12.2022
    Fin de l'événement : 28.12.2022
    Chapo de l'article : Rediscovering Love on My Own Terms
    Single Men Who Want More Women
    Open Letter To Men Who Want More
    For Men Who Love Poly Dating
    Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort
    Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?
    Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem
    Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?
    Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?
    Why Master Monogamy

    Uncle Elmer August 30, 2014 at 06:58
    In other news : Looks like another case of Social Justice Warriors at work posting fake KKK recruitment flyers.

    And look out, here comes da flood.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 0
    TFH August 30, 2014 at 11:34
    So I am going to verbalize what we here know, but needs to be spread far and wide.

    What is the purpose of ‘feminism’, if not to halt this sort of sex-trafficking?

    Is there ANY other thing that ‘feminism’ should prioritize, if it were a legitimate political cause of any sort?

    Instead, what they do is :
    1) Use the government to artificially create a Sheryl Sandberg who would not exist in the free market.
    2) Crow about an imaginary rape culture among Westerners, while ignoring a REAL rape culture.
    3) Whine about not enough women receiving the money generated from the tech industry (note that there is no talk of actually doing tech work, on their part).

    ….and a host of other phony causes.

    If ‘feminism’ could not organize against this, then no one should pretend it is a real cause whatsoever.

    That is the drum we have to beat.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 1
    Nate August 30, 2014 at 15:30
    Yet, it’s the “misogynists” in the manosphere who are appalled by this. Pick a site at random and you will find a post condemning what happened. Look to a feminist or mainstream site – crickets.
    SpecialKindOfFoolMyJourneyToUnderstandi (Blog)
    créée le 10.12.2024 à 10:38, mise à jour le 10.12.2024 à 10:38.

    Double Standards in Relationships: Men vs. Women

    Date de l'article : 24.12.2022
    Début de l'événement : 24.12.2022
    Fin de l'événement : 26.12.2022
    Chapo de l'article : The Wingwoman
    Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
    Quick to Pass Judgment
    Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
    I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
    My Secret Social Identity
    What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
    Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
    Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
    Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
    The Double Standard of Men and Women
    The Double Standard of Men and Women
    The Double Standard of Men and Women
    8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
    8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You

    As much as we’d like to, we cannot overlook gender differences. In a perfect world, your hypothetical scenario would be comparing apples to apples; currently it’s like comparing apples to hubcaps. I do not claim a woman’s libido is any less than a man’s, simply that her social and biological connection to it are different. All want for hedonism aside, your proposed revolution puts women at a disadvantage, bearing the burden and the risks while failures are dismissed as “he wasn’t good enough for you anyway then.”

    Someone needs to be putting on the breaks. We cannot all do as we wish at all times sexually, as there are consequences. I do not know why the female ends up being the Guardian of Temple Punani, but this dynamic has evolved for a reason. There are other means to achieve gender equity with sex other than advocating people screw whenever they please. Women think they are empowered because they “date/fuck like a man” when in fact, no one should be.

    As an addendum to an atrociously long reply, I hope this is all taken as spirited debate (as spirited as one can be on the internet) and not personal in any way.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0


    19jackie March 5, 2010 at 5:34 PM
    Themis, spirited debate is far more interesting that agreeing with people who already agree with me. If we don’t discuss these things openly, it’s impossible to make progress. I have to say this: had she asked me to wait, I would not have labeled her a tease; I would have respected her position as I respect yours. I’ll also submit that I have been the one to walk away from sex on more than one occasion, unafraid of what would be thought of me.
    DoubleStandardsInRelationshipsMenVsWome (Blog)
    créée le 19.12.2024 à 10:46, mise à jour le 19.12.2024 à 10:46.

    The Evolution of Dating Norms in the Digital Age

    Date de l'article : 24.12.2022
    Début de l'événement : 24.12.2022
    Fin de l'événement : 26.12.2022
    Chapo de l'article : A Few Thoughts on Conflict in Dating
    Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
    "Not Good Enough"
    Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
    Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
    Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
    Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
    Things I Have Learned About Dating
    Fear in Dating and Relationships
    Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
    Marrige and Happiness
    Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
    Disappearing Dates

    Anyway just for a bit of an alternative point of view, I’m actually loving the ‘erasure’ of sexuality you’re all complaining about. I wouldn’t really call it that, but it seems to be the same thing as you’re talking about. I thought I was a lesbian until very recently (wayyy too late in life to have such a revelation, really!), when I met my current, male, partner. This is the best relationship I’ve ever had, for reasons that absolutely do not directly involve his gender. But indirectly? The reason I’m not so stressed and worrying in this relationship is because we don’t have to keep anything secret or be nervous and hide it when we’re outside in case someone makes a comment. Being in an opposite-sex relationship is amazing. I’m sorry it has to be the case, but it really is true. I think I’m probably about 99% gay and 1% straight… ish.

    Heterosexual privilege can feel wonderful indeed, when it’s something you aren’t used to. I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to be with a guy and have it again, albeit in a different way from how I felt it before — and noticed its loss when I was in a publicly same-sex relationship for a year or so after I transitioned, as compared to the publicly different-sex relationship (so far as the world was concerned) that I was in prior to my transition.

    I should add that I do sort of identify as bisexual, even though I have never in my life been with a guy, either before or after my transition. I assume that it’s OK to do that.

    Completely ok in my book. I don’t hold to the notion that experience is required before anyone gets to ID as a particular orientation, and I’ll push back against anyone who does. Welcome to the bi club. :)

    Me neither, maedchen. Bi is, in my book, people who have been attracted to <1 genders. No sex, dating or relationships required.

    I can certainly understand not wanting to be part of the queer community, especially given the bad history of the word queer. I wonder though what you meant by this:

    Also, just because I have a certain sexuality doesn’t mean I’m part of some mythical community. I’m part of the normal community, thanks.

    since the queer community is neither mythical not abnormal.

    Yeah, that was my reaction too. I freely admit that it’s mostly spurred by bitterness.
    TheEvolutionOfDatingNormsInTheDigitalAg (Blog)
    créée le 26.12.2024 à 11:51, mise à jour le 26.12.2024 à 11:51.

    Stop Acting Like a Ditz!

    Date de l'article : 25.12.2022
    Début de l'événement : 03.12.2022
    Fin de l'événement : 25.12.2022
    Chapo de l'article : How Pocket-Dialing Can C*ckblock You
    Attack of The Killer Ex
    How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
    Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
    25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
    5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
    Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
    The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
    Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
    Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
    A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy

    There have been many online personals I have scrolled through while looking for dates and now I am far more picky with my selections. Oh, how I hate when I meet a girl I found on the personals for dinner who seems to be an over-achiever when it comes to her emotions. Seriously, what is up with women hopping up and down when they’re happy about the littlest god damn thing?

    How I wish for the days when women were not educated by the CW or Reality Television shows. Now it seems like men have to bite their tongues while watching their dates perform a combo of baby claps and Stevie Wonder-like head bopping while they emit squeaking squeals of delight all because their appetizers have arrived.

    Ladies, regardless what your mothers and your Cosmo magazines have told you in the past, good men do not like women who act less smart than they really are. You can stroke our egos by simply telling us we’re handsome and let out a slight chuckle when we say something funny. Please don’t let out Neve Campbell guffaws and say, “Oh my god! No way! That’s too funny!” when all we did was mention how we don’t like goat cheese on our salads.

    Please don’t end every conversation with a question ending in the word ‘right?’ And for the love of God stop twirling your hair like a little girl waiting for an ice cream cone. It’s not attractive even if we still want to bang you after the date is over.

    To get the respect of a man, you must not be afraid to be yourself. We want engaging conversation and genuine chemistry. We don’t want to end up with a girl who is lacking in substance and brain cells. So cut out the Snooki routine and act normal. Is that too much to ask for?
    StopActingLikeADitz (Blog)
    créée le 13.12.2024 à 11:15, mise à jour le 13.12.2024 à 11:15.

    Trapped by Appearances: The Problem with 'Good on Paper' Relationships

    Date de l'article : 19.11.2021
    Début de l'événement : 27.11.2021
    Fin de l'événement : 30.11.2021
    Chapo de l'article : Parenting and Relationships
    Navigating Honesty in Modern Relationships
    What Men REALLY Mean: A Guide for Women
    How To Be Single And Sober
    How A Glass Of Water Can Destroy Your Love
    When Love Ignore Red Flags and Common Sense
    Why You Shouldn’t Live Together Before Marriage
    Shallow Men: A Big Waste
    Real Relationships You’ll Never See In A Movie
    What Men’s Behavior Reveals About Masculinity
    My Problem With Church
    Trust Issues: Why Women Don't Trust Men

    And dont’ forget to cop your VSB crewneck while the weather outside is still frightful and what not. The shirts were borne out of a collaboration with Coliseum Apparel and VSB. The shirts are dope and be on the look out for a photoshoot coming soon!

    Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM get the money…dolla dolla bill y’all.

    By now, everybody and their grandmother has heard of the new Oxygen special “All My Babies’ Mamas” featuring one-hit-wonder-cum-ATL trap culture-savant Shawty Lo. Or L-O as many of us “Dey Know” him. Get it? Good.

    Between Twitter and the screams, of the black intelligentsia running down the street yelling “mama nooooooooooooooo” I’m convinced that the only way you may NOT have heard about it is a) you’re Black but have no Black friends and aren’t quite sure what “Black” Twitter means or b) you’re an actual white person who also doesn’t know what the Oxygen Network is either.

    If you are either, some may consider you lucky. I, however, am not one of them. This may come as a surprise to you all but I have no issue with this show at all.


    Yo’ mama. Okay, Shawty Lo’s Baby mama.

    Look, I get it. The premise alone leaves much to be desired. Rapper with an obvious allergy to birth control has 11 kids by 10 women. Somebody break out the public service announcements. There’s a stereotype. There’s another one. Oh no, somebody stop the train. I’m with you..except, it’s too late. He’s already got the kids. And the multitude of baby mamas. So all that’s left to do now is hope that he takes care of his kids and gets along with his baby mamas, whether or not a special exists.

    And by George, it actually looks like he does.
    TrappedByAppearancesTheProblemWithGood (Blog)
    créée le 26.11.2024 à 17:07, mise à jour le 26.11.2024 à 17:07.

    Really sad state of affairs

    Date de l'article : 29.01.2021
    Début de l'événement : 21.01.2021
    Fin de l'événement : 31.01.2021
    Chapo de l'article : A Relationship Evolved (and Happy Birthday To My Ex)
    The Unforgettable First Kiss
    Jealousy Versus Envy
    Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
    How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
    Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
    We Hold Ourselves Back
    What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
    Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
    You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
    Learning How to Love Yourself
    Love Addict: Writing the Personal
    How Do You Learn to Let Go?

    Also in some cases if the girl asks for a “Ful body shot” and you send something from the waist down, they usually send a bikini pic.

    Or here’s another approach that worked with a 21 year old I met on OK Cupid whom I never did meet in person but who sent me a series of photos of her in tight dresses and finally neglige.

    Me: What are you wearing?

    Her: Pyjamas

    Me: Hello Kitty?

    Her: No, lingiere

    ME: Photo

    sends photo.

    If any of the chicks I see on OKCupid sent me naked pics, I’d have to get my eyes professionally cleaned.

    What do the Jezebeller feminists think of violence against men? Have a look for yourself. I suggest spreading this link far and wide:

    i’d like to see how many of these women actually have silhouettes that look like the ones in the banner at the top of the page. is so bizarre to me that I have to wonder if it is an astroturf site aimed at fanning the flames at the “war between the sexes.” (Did I just date myself?) The current post is a phone number a woman can give out to a guy and when he calls it he will be “rejected by Siri.” The sidebar ad is for a “how to keep him from pulling away,” bs. Really sad state of affairs. I would hope that anyone, male or female, doing the rejecting, would want to be as kind as possible. Just bizarre.
    ReallySadStateOfAffairs (Blog)
    créée le 16.01.2025 à 11:26, mise à jour le 16.01.2025 à 11:26.

    Améliorer l'autonomie protéique grâce aux légumineuses

    Date de l'article : 01.06.2020 - 08:00
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales, Réduction des phytos
    Début de l'événement : 18.06.2020 - 14:00
    Fin de l'événement : 18.06.2020 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Il existe de nombreuses légumineuses avec des intérêts multiples à utiliser seules ou en mélange : luzernes, trèfle violet, trèfle blanc. La luzerne, par exemple, présente de nombreux atouts agronomiques pour l’alimentation et la santé du troupeau. Bien que peu énergique et quelque peu difficile à cultiver et récolter, elle apporte des protéines et des fibres dans la ration et limite le risque d’acidose. Venez échanger avec Bruno Osson, du GNIS et Gwendoline Elluin, de la Chambre d'Agriculture du Nord Pas-de-Calais sur le choix des légumineuses et leur culture.
    Corps de l'article : Rendez-vous le Jeudi 18 juin 2020 de 14 à 17h à Raismes

    Infos : Aurore Dlugon, Parc naturel régional de Scarpe-Escaut - ou 0033 (0)3 27 19 19 70
    AmeliorerLAutonomieProteiqueGraceAuxLegum (Blog)
    créée le 07.02.2020 à 14:51, mise à jour le 07.02.2020 à 14:51.

    L'intérêt des prairies temporaires

    Date de l'article : 25.02.2020 - 08:00
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales
    Début de l'événement : 10.03.2020 - 13:30
    Fin de l'événement : 10.03.2020 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : L’herbe est un atout précieux dans un système fourrager pour l’alimentation du troupeau. Les prairies temporaires de durée plus ou moins longue apportent un complément aux prairies permanentes. Le choix des espèces et les variétés de la prairie temporaire doit intégrer plusieurs paramètres en fonction du mode d’exploitation, de l’utilisation, des conditions pédoclimatiques, de la durée d’implantation, etc.
    Bruno Osson, du GNIS et Quentin Dewilde, de la Chambre d'Agriculture du Nord Pas-de-Calais vous exposeront leurs conseils sur l'implantation et la gestion des prairies temporaires afin de les valoriser au mieux.
    Corps de l'article : Rendez-vous le mardi 10 mars 2020 en la Salle Magritte

    Adresse : Rue de la Fauvette, 6 à 7911 Frasnes-les-Anvaing (BE)
    La salle se trouve sous l'Administration Communale de Frasnes-les-Anvaing.

    Infos : Hervé LUST, Parc naturel du Pays des Collines - ou 0032 68 54 46 02
    LInteretDesPrairiesTemporaires (Blog)
    créée le 25.09.2020 à 16:43, mise à jour le 30.09.2021 à 10:22.

    Concilier la gestion du parasitisme et les enjeux écologiques dans les prairies humides

    Date de l'article : 18.02.2020 - 08:00
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Techniques d'élevage
    Début de l'événement : 03.03.2020 - 09:30
    Fin de l'événement : 03.03.2020 - 12:30
    Chapo de l'article : Les pâturages humides sont des zones favorables au développement de maladies parasitaires pénalisantes pour la santé des animaux et l’économie de
    l’élevage. Ces espaces présentent également une grande biodiversité qui peut être impactée par les traitements antiparasitaires des bovins. Blaise Dupriez, de Vét’el vous expliquera comment les éleveurs du « Programme de Maintien de l’Agriculture en Zone Humide » ont fait évoluer leurs pratiques.
    Corps de l'article : Sortie programmée dans le cadre du Groupe Herbe et Autonomie Fourragère

    Rendez-vous le mardi 3 mars 2020 à la Maison du Parc naturel régional Scarpe-Escaut
    357 rue Notre Dame d'Amour, à 59230 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux.

    Plus d'infos : Aurore Dlugon, PNRSE - ou 0033 (0)3 27 19 19 70
    ConcilierLaGestionDuParasitismeEtLesEnje (Blog)
    créée le 06.02.2020 à 16:57, mise à jour le 06.02.2020 à 17:07.

    Les méteils

    Date de l'article : 13.03.2020 - 08:00
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales
    Début de l'événement : 27.02.2020 - 13:30
    Fin de l'événement : 27.02.2020 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Qu'est-ce qu'un méteil, et pourquoi en cultiver ? Quels sont les différents types de méteils, leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients ?
    Quelles espèces dois-je associer et quelles techniques culturales dois-je mettre en oeuvre afin d'en tirer le meilleur parti ?

    Bruno Osson du GNIS et Gwendoline Elluin, de la Chambre d'Agriculture du Nord Pas-de-Calais tenteront de répondre à l'ensemble de ces questions avant une visite de parcelles cultivées.
    Corps de l'article : Rendez-vous le Vendredi 27 mars à partir de 13h30 en la Salle des Fêtes de Hollain
    Adresse : Rue de Jollain, 4 à 7620 Hollain (BE)

    Infos : Audrey Polard, Parc naturel des Plaines de l'Escaut - ou 0032 69 77 98 79
    LesMeteils2 (Blog)
    créée le 07.02.2020 à 14:38, mise à jour le 09.07.2021 à 11:10.

    La betterave fourragère éloigne le vétérinaire !

    Date de l'article : 30.01.2020 - 08:00
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques d'élevage, Techniques culturales
    Début de l'événement : 13.02.2020 - 14:00
    Fin de l'événement : 13.02.2020 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Longtemps délaissée au profit du maïs, la betterave fourragère revient dans nos campagnes depuis quelques années.
    Bruno Osson, du GNIS et Benoît Verriele, de Avenir Conseil Elevage vous exposeront les avantages liés cette culture et expliqueront les évolutions, variétales et mécaniques, qui rendent ce fourrage beaucoup plus facile à utiliser que par le passé.
    Corps de l'article : Sortie organisée dans le cadre du Groupe Herbe et Autonomie Fourragère
    Rendez-vous le 13 février 2020 à 14h en la mairie de Nivelle.
    237 rue Achille Dufresnes, à 59230 Nivelle

    Plus d'infos : Aurore Dlugon, Parc naturel régional Scarpe-Escaut - ou 0033(0)3 27 19 19 70
    LaBetteraveFourragereEloigneLeVeterinaire (Blog)
    créée le 06.02.2020 à 16:55, mise à jour le 06.02.2020 à 17:00.

    L’aromathérapie en élevage

    Date de l'article : 13.01.2020
    Thématique : Techniques d'élevage, Agriculture Bio
    Début de l'événement : 27.01.2020 - 20:00
    Fin de l'événement : 27.01.2020 - 22:00
    Chapo de l'article : L’aromathérapie consiste à soigner les animaux grâce aux huiles essentielles. Quels sont les intérêts de cette technique en élevage ? Quelles différences avec les antibiotiques classiques ? Quelles huiles essentielles choisir et comment les conserver ? Autant de questions auxquelles répondra Tristan Colonval, vétérinaire dans les Hauts-de-France.
    Corps de l'article : Séance programmée dans le cadre des soirées de l'agriculture du PNPE
    Rendez-vous à 20h au Foyer Socioculturel d'Antoing, rue du Burg 23, à 7640 Antoing
    LaromatherapieEnElevage (Blog)
    créée le 06.02.2020 à 16:46, mise à jour le 06.02.2020 à 16:59.

    Se diversifier grâce aux haies et prés-vergers

    Date de l'article : 06.01.2020 - 08:00
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Circuits courts et filières de commercialisation, Qualité différenciée
    Début de l'événement : 20.01.2020 - 20:00
    Fin de l'événement : 20.01.2020 - 22:00
    Chapo de l'article : Planter un verger, une haie ou un alignement d’arbres sont des moyens de diversifier sa production, de favoriser la biodiversité de son exploitation et de lutter contre l’érosion des terres agricoles.
    Corps de l'article : Dans le cadre du groupe herbe et autonomie fourragère, Benjamin Cerisier (Diversifruit), Louise Bouland (Natagriwal) et Frédéric Vautravers (Un arbre pour la Wapi) présenteront les structures qui peuvent vous accompagner dans la conception de votre projet et de son financement, notamment dans le cadre du renouvellement de l’action “Un arbre pour la Wapi”.

    Rendez-vous le 20 janvier 2020 à partir de 20h au Foyer Socio-culturel d'Antoing
    Rue du Burg 23, à 7640 Antoing
    SeDiversifierGraceAuxHaiesEtPresVergers (Blog)
    créée le 06.02.2020 à 16:40, mise à jour le 06.02.2020 à 16:40.

    Formation : Les clés d'une transmission réussie

    Date de l'article : 31.10.2019
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Début de l'événement : 02.12.2019 - 09:30
    Fin de l'événement : 03.12.2019 - 16:00
    Chapo de l'article : Cette formation s’articule autour des questions humaines que soulève la transmission d’une ferme : préparer son projet retraite, relations et équité familiales, négociation avec le repreneur , transition, savoir lâcher prise...

    Elle présentera des outils pour avancer dans votre projet et ainsi que les facteurs-clés pour réussir votre transmission.
    Corps de l'article : Formation organisée par le Parc naturel régional en collaboration avec Initiatives paysannes, intervention de Dominique Lataste, psychosociologue, expert de la transmission.

    Infos et Inscriptions : / +33(0).
    FormationLesClesDUneTransmissionReussie (Blog)
    créée le 23.10.2019 à 11:36, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 14:45.

    Circuits courts et restauration collective

    Date de l'article : 30.10.2019
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Circuits courts et filières de commercialisation
    Début de l'événement : 27.11.2019 - 09:30
    Fin de l'événement : 27.11.2019 - 12:30
    Chapo de l'article : Fournir la restauration collective : Quels atouts ? Quels potentiels et quelles contraintes ?
    Visite de la restauration du Collège Marie Curie à Saint-Amand-les-Eaux.
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Collège Marie Curie, 51 rue des Viviers au Clos, à Saint-Amand-les-Eaux

    Infos et inscription : PNRSE
    Par téléphone : +33(0) ou par mail : (Aurore Dlugon)
    CircuitsCourtsEtRestaurationCollective (Blog)
    créée le 23.10.2019 à 11:31, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 15:15.

    Visite filière lait

    Date de l'article : 28.10.2019
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Circuits courts et filières de commercialisation, Qualité différenciée, Agriculture Bio
    Début de l'événement : 21.11.2019 - 10:00
    Fin de l'événement : 21.11.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : De 10h à 12h : La laiterie Sodiaal ouvre ses portes pour faire visiter son outil de transformation et échanger avec les éleveurs autour des perspectives et opportunités de la filière laitière. Intervention de Jean-Paul Picquendar, directeur Laits segmentés de Sodiaal Union.

    A 14h00 : Le lait bio: pourquoi pas moi ? Profitez de la visite de la ferme laitière «Gaec Pagie».
    Corps de l'article : Lieux :
    Sodiaal : 44 bis Rue Albert Mathieu, à Awoingt (F)

    Gaec Pagie : 70 banlieue vers Ruesnes, à Le Quesnoy (F)

    Repas possible sur réservation auprès de Bertrand Follet ( , +33(0)
    VisitesSpecialLait (Blog)
    créée le 23.10.2019 à 11:23, mise à jour le 10.12.2019 à 12:00.

    Filière viande et circuits courts

    Date de l'article : 26.10.2019 - 09:00
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Thématique : Circuits courts et filières de commercialisation, Qualité différenciée
    Début de l'événement : 06.11.2019 - 13:30
    Fin de l'événement : 06.11.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Pigeonord : quels outils de découpe et de transformation de viande pour les producteurs en circuits courts ?
    Quels prestations et services proposés ?
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Foyer Noël Heden, 45 rue de la Résistance, 59310 Beuvry-la-Forêt (F)

    Infos et inscriptions : PNRSE
    +33 (0)3 27 19 19 70 - (Aurore Dlugon)
    FiliereViandeEtCircuitsCourts (Blog)
    créée le 23.10.2019 à 10:52, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 15:14.

    Réunion d'information : Transmission

    Date de l'article : 19.10.2019
    Auteur : Jean Lesplingart
    Début de l'événement : 04.11.2019
    Fin de l'événement : 04.11.2019
    Chapo de l'article : Transmettre votre exploitation agricole : comment vous y préparer ?

    Réunion d’échanges et d’informations destinée aux agriculteurs de plus de 50 ans, se questionnant sur la transmission de leur ferme.
    Corps de l'article : Adresse : Salle des fêtes, Place de Wambrechies, 59870 Wandignies-Hamage (F)

    Infos et inscription : Aurore Dlugon ou par téléphone :
    ReunionDInformationTransmission (Blog)
    créée le 23.10.2019 à 10:43, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 14:43.

    Salon de l'autonomie fourragère

    Date de l'article : 04.03.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales, Qualité différenciée, Agriculture Bio, Réduction des phytos
    Début de l'événement : 17.09.2019 - 10:00
    Fin de l'événement : 17.09.2019 - 18:00
    Chapo de l'article : Que vous soyez déjà lancé en autonomie fourragère ou simplement curieux d’en savoir plus, bloquez la date du 17 septembre ! Ce sera l’occasion de répondre à de nombreuses questions : essais de différents mélanges fourragers par Fourrage-mieux et nombreux semenciers, différents ateliers, présence de nombreux organismes actifs dans le milieu.
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Thieulain (B)
    Infos : Fugea
    +32(0)499/88 33 93 - +32(0)81/23 00 37 - (Maïté Defourny)
    SalonDeLAutonomieFourragere (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 11.12.2019 à 13:54, mise à jour le 09.07.2021 à 11:15.

    Comment compléter sa ration d’herbe ?

    Date de l'article : 04.03.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Agriculture Bio
    Début de l'événement : 29.08.2019 - 14:00
    Fin de l'événement : 29.08.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : L’autonomie alimentaire sur la ferme est variable : elle commence par la production des fourrages sur la ferme jusqu’à une ration totalement produite in situ. Après une explication sur les points clés pour garder une ration équilibrée, visite de la ferme de Pascal Lesplingart, agriculteur à Quevaucamps et présentation du moulin mobile.
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Foyer culturel rue J. Wauters à 7972 Beloeil (B)
    Par Quentin Dewilde et/ou Quentin Sansen Chambre d’agriculture du Nord Pas de Calais
    Infos : Parc naturel des Plaines de l’Escaut
    +32(0)69/77 98 79 - (Audrey Polard)
    CommentCompleterSaRationDherbe (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 04.02.2019 à 11:36, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 15:13.

    Intervention de Joseph Pousset

    Date de l'article : 04.03.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales, Agriculture Bio, Réduction des phytos
    Début de l'événement : 02.07.2019
    Fin de l'événement : 02.07.2019
    Chapo de l'article : Intervention de Joseph Pousset, agriculteur-chercheur.
    Auteur du Traité d'agroécologie (2012) et paysan à la Bellière (Orne).

    Visite de la ferme de Pierre Cossement : séchoir à foin, plantations de fruitiers,...
    Corps de l'article : Adresse du jour : rue Bois de la Haye, 2 à 7534 Barry
    InterventionDeJosephPousset (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 18.11.2019 à 15:12, mise à jour le 09.07.2021 à 11:17.

    Diversifier ses fourrages pour résister aux aléas climatiques

    Date de l'article : 04.02.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales
    Début de l'événement : 25.06.2019 - 13:30
    Fin de l'événement : 25.06.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Visite des parcelles de démonstration de Jorion + intervention de Fourrages-mieux.
    DiversifierSesFourragesPourResisterAuxAl (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 04.02.2019 à 15:45, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 15:03.

    Diagnostic prairie et qualité des fourrages

    Date de l'article : 04.03.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales
    Début de l'événement : 28.03.2019 - 10:00
    Fin de l'événement : 28.03.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Arpentant une prairie et muni de votre fiche d’observation, venez découvrir comment améliorer vos prairies pour couvrir les besoins alimentaires de votre troupeau ou bien encore savoir évaluer si la prairie doit être améliorée ou rénovée !
    La part de fourrages est très variable dans les rations des vaches laitières et des bovins viande. La prise en compte de leur
    qualité est fondamentale pour assurer le bon fonctionnement du rumen et de la digestion, quel que soit le type de production.
    Venez comprendre comment évaluer la qualité des fourrages en élevage (foin, ensilage, enrubannage) ?
    Quels critères faut-il prendre en compte ?
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Le lieu vous sera prochainement précisé (F)
    Par Bruno Osson (GNIS), Quentin Dewilde (Chambre d’agriculture Nord Pas de Calais) et Sophie Gruener (Avenir Conseil Elevage)
    Infos : Parc naturel régional Scarpe-Escaut
    +33(0)327/19 19 70 - (Aurore Dlugon)
    DiagnosticsPrairieEtQualiteDesFourrages (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 04.02.2019 à 11:29, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 15:02.

    Les méteils

    Date de l'article : 04.02.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Début de l'événement : 23.03.2019 - 13:45
    Fin de l'événement : 23.03.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Le méteil fourrager (mélange de céréales à paille et de légumineuses) est une culture qui diversifie la rotation, économique en engrais et en intrants. Pour les animaux, c’est un fourrage productif, équilibré en énergie et riche en fibres. La présentation en salle sera suivie d’une visite de parcelles avec mélange pois/vesce/triticale.
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Salle de la Mairie (3408 rue des Fèves Lecelles (F))
    Par Claire Barlet (Chambre d’agriculture Nord Pas de Calais)
    Infos : Parc naturel régional Scarpe-Escaut
    +33 (0)327/19 19 70 - (Aurore Dlugon)
    LesMeteils (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 04.02.2019 à 15:39, mise à jour le 04.02.2019 à 15:42.

    Quand un système d’élevage plus durable se conjugue avec une augmentation de la valeur nutritionnelle du lait

    Date de l'article : 04.03.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Début de l'événement : 15.03.2019 - 14:00
    Fin de l'événement : 15.03.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Vous aimeriez retrouver une autonomie de décision par rapport au calcul de vos rations et/ou apporter une qualité différenciée à votre lait ? Eric Froidmont nous expliquera les résultats des dernières recherches en nutrition animale : composition, qualité et coûts de différents types de rations.
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Salle Louis Delmée (rue Paul Pastur, 11 à 7800 Ath)
    Par Eric Froidmont du CRA-W nutritionniste
    Infos : Fugea
    +32 (0)499/883 393 - (Maïté Defourny)
    QuandUnSystemeDelevagePlusDurableSeConj (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 04.02.2019 à 13:37, mise à jour le 09.07.2021 à 11:12.

    La méthode OBSALIM

    Date de l'article : 04.03.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Début de l'événement : 27.02.2019 - 09:30
    Fin de l'événement : 28.02.2019 - 17:00
    Chapo de l'article : Basée sur l’observation de plusieurs points spécifiques de l’animal (yeux, museau, muqueuses, poils, bouses, etc.), cette méthode permet de déterminer l’état alimentaire du troupeau et d’adapter les rations.
    Cette formation de deux jours se composera de la façon suivante :
    • Jour 1 : Bases physiologiques d’un ruminant en lien avec la méthode, utilisation de la méthode OBSALIM ® avec les jeux de cartes, application de la méthode sur le terrain dans deux élevages.
    • Jour 2 : Retour d’expérience de l’équipe (difficultés, résultats obtenus), dynamique de digestion des fourrages et des concentrés, suivi des réglages dans les deux élevages de la première journée.
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Parc naturel régional-Scarpe-Escaut (Maison du Parc : 357 rue Notre Dame d'Amour 59230 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (F))
    Par Benoît Sidel, NUTRI PARTENAIRES
    Infos : Nombre de places limité.
    Sur inscription : Parc naturel des Plaines de l’Escaut + 32(0)69/77 98 79 (Audrey Polard)
    ArticleExemple2 (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 15.01.2019 à 12:34, mise à jour le 04.02.2019 à 13:37.

    Nourrir le sol, les animaux, l’homme et le méthaniseur - les innovations

    Date de l'article : 04.02.2019
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère, Techniques culturales
    Début de l'événement : 28.01.2019 - 14:00
    Fin de l'événement : 28.01.2019 - 22:00
    Chapo de l'article : Sur sa ferme laitière située en Normandie, Anton Sidler a testé des pratiques innovantes pour augmenter l’autonomie de sa ferme. Venez partager son expérience lors de deux interventions programmées :
    • de 14h à 17h à la Ferme Tetelain (rue Rosière, 91 à Beclers (Tournai)) : comment optimiser la production de ses prairies et de ses fourrages ?
    • de 20h à 22h au Foyer socio-culturel d’Antoing rue du Burg 23 à Antoing : parcours de la ferme d’Anton Sidler (biométhanisation, couverts biomax, gestion des silos, non labour, etc.).
    Corps de l'article : Lieu : Béclers et Antoing (B)
    Par Anton Sidler – La Vache Heureuse (LVH)
    Infos : Parc naturel des Plaines de l’Escaut
    + 32(0)69/77 98 79 - (Audrey Polard)
    NourrirLeSolLesAnimauxLhommeEtLeMeth2 (Blog), écrite par WikiAdmin
    créée le 06.02.2019 à 12:36, mise à jour le 18.11.2019 à 14:50.

    Why I Swipe Right (or Left) on American Dating Apps

    Date de l'article : 27.11.2022
    Chapo de l'article : It’s interesting. When we had son #1 the ‘old system’ was in place. We had a midwive and a doc. My wife was encouraged to stay in for a few days until the milk came…. this was reinforced by me (just before he came, she was working as a pediatric resident and trying to resusicate a dehydrated week old who had been sent home before the milk had come).

    She took a year off, and was the happiest I can recall in the marriage.

    Son #2 was born after the medical council had been reformed and continuous documentation of CME and experience bought in — which meant that to keep yourself registered you could not take time off, and maternity care rationalized. We had 12 hours in the hospital.

    There was less post natat care, and yes, we imported the model from the USA, and yes, the people who made these decisions were women.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    Jim August 30, 2014 at 15:53
    “For the good of the child and the family, I think paternal leave should also be included in any parental leave legislation”

    You are not entitled to free money because you have a child.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
    Jim August 30, 2014 at 15:55
    Fixed that for you David:

    “It was the progressives and fascists such as David who helped to pave the way for the Corporate Take Over of America and the resulting destruction of the Middle Class and Impoverishment of the Working Class. ”

    Your astounding ignorance shows just how badly you need an econ101 class

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
    Jensen August 30, 2014 at 18:24
    OMG – a Fourteen Year Old MGTOW!!!!!

    George Freeman.

    Pretty articulate! Is this real?

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    WhyISwipeRightOrLeftOnAmericanDating (Blog)
    créée le 29.11.2024 à 17:40, mise à jour le 29.11.2024 à 17:40.

    Things Single Women Say

    Date de l'article : 19.12.2022
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Chapo de l'article : Things Men Talk About When Women Aren’t Looking
    Black Men Desirability: Unpacking Cultural Biases
    Women' Things Men Struggle To Understand
    Going Nowhere Fast, We’ve Reached Our Climax
    Are Women Too Loyal for Their Own Good
    Things Black People Say?
    What Really Works For Us Chicks
    Words I Hope My Daughter Never Says
    Why Women Get a Pass on Things Men Can’t
    5 Signs That You Might Be Dating a Zombie Who Might Zombie Apocalapyse Your A**

    Being single is often misunderstood as a phase of waiting or longing for a relationship, but for many women, it’s a time of self-discovery, empowerment, and unapologetic honesty. The things single women say reveal their thoughts, desires, and perspectives on love, life, and independence. Here are some of the most relatable and thought-provoking statements single women often make—and what they tell us about modern singlehood.

    1. "I’m not settling."

    This phrase has become a mantra for many single women, and for good reason. In an era where women are more independent than ever, there’s less pressure to rush into a relationship for the sake of societal expectations.

    When single women say they’re not settling, it’s not about having unrealistic standards—it’s about valuing themselves enough to wait for a partner who truly complements their life. This confidence speaks to a shift in priorities: self-respect and happiness come first, and anything less than a healthy, fulfilling connection is simply not worth it.

    2. "I’m focusing on myself right now."

    Far from being an excuse, this statement reflects the importance of personal growth. Many single women use their solo time to build careers, explore passions, or heal from past relationships.

    Focusing on oneself isn’t about avoiding love—it’s about creating a life so fulfilling that a partner becomes an enhancement, not a necessity. Whether it’s traveling solo, diving into hobbies, or setting new goals, single women embrace this time as an opportunity for self-discovery.

    3. "Where are all the good men?"

    This question often arises during vent sessions with friends. It’s not just about dating frustration—it’s a playful yet pointed critique of modern dating culture. With dating apps, ghosting, and mixed signals becoming the norm, many single women feel that finding genuine connection has become increasingly elusive.

    It’s not a blanket condemnation of men but rather an expression of the challenges of navigating the modern dating landscape while holding out for authenticity.

    Conclusion: Celebrating Singlehood

    The things single women say offer insight into their resilience, humor, and evolving perspectives on love. Far from being a time of lack, singlehood is often a time of empowerment, self-love, and clarity about what they want—and don’t want—in life and relationships.
    ThingsSingleWomenSay (Blog)
    créée le 03.12.2024 à 17:22, mise à jour le 03.12.2024 à 17:22.

    Understanding the Chaos Theory of Women: What’s Really Going On?

    Date de l'article : 27.11.2021
    Chapo de l'article : Observations About Dance and Modern Relationships
    The Savvy Woman’s Guide To Decoding Men On Twitter
    The Kind of Woman a Man Never Forgets
    News Flash: That Guy You're With Is a Pig
    99 Remedies For the Relationship Impaired
    Riding In Cars With Girls
    Advice To My Teen Son About Women And Dating
    Why Boys And Girls Need Different Dating Advice
    Think Like A Man
    What Makes You So Sure You're Wife Material
    When Smart People Make Dumb Dating Decisions

    Marguerite Matthews: I don’t think there are barriers preventing Black students from going into or excelling in the sciences, per se. But I do think there is a lack of support, encouragement, and proper education for many Black students – especially those coming from more disadvantaged economic backgrounds. Similar to Dahlia, I had teachers who pushed me into STEM opportunities, which inspired me to pursue science in higher education and as a career. Exposure to these opportunities, and feeling empowered to thrive in the sciences, has made a world of difference. Unfortunately in the case of Kiera Wilmot, the stereotype that Black kids are thought of as criminals first, not scientists, is being reinforced. This type of experience – being faced with criminal charges – may totally deter her from pursuing science in the future. And while this likely isn’t the case for all Black children, it highlights that society often does not value Black children, even those who are proven to be good students, as future innovators and intellectuals.

    Jessica Porter: I do not think that there are barriers preventing Black women from entering or excelling in science based fields any more than there are barriers for White women. Science remains to be a male dominated field so the issues from my experience have had to do more with being a woman than being Black. In addition, as a Black woman, we check two boxes, which tend to be very important for funding especially at a time when scientific funding is being cut. I don’t want to think that the reason I received funding was because I was Black, but being Black did help. In most science fields, the government or non-profit organizations pay for higher education through grant funding, thus eliminating the barrier and making a scientific education cheaper and easier to pursue.

    Racquel Jemison: I think I’m more inclined to agree with Marge. There isn’t enough support for our young Black students to pursue interests in the sciences. It’s primarily those few heavily involved teachers or mentors that encourage early exposure to the sciences, and quite frankly, there aren’t enough of them.

    “With a household net worth of a billion dollars, MCHG is the first solo album where Jay-Z is actually the person he’s always rapped about being. When he raps “Basquiat in my kitchen corner/Go ahead lean on that shit Blue, you own it” and “Surrounded by Warhols/my whole team ball” on “Picasso Baby”, these aren’t colorful fabrications from a kid showing how far his imagination can stretch or even the truth-bending claims of a moderately successful rapper insecure he’s not bourgie enough. This is a man who can actually afford Basquiat bath mats and Warhol toilet paper.
    UnderstandingTheChaosTheoryOfWomenWhats (Blog)
    créée le 27.11.2024 à 17:21, mise à jour le 27.11.2024 à 17:21.

    Dating Damage Control

    Date de l'article : 25.12.2021
    Chapo de l'article : Ladies We Need Answers
    The Difference Between Girls and Women
    On Dating: Experienced or Just Plain Damaged?
    A Chosen Season: On Being Single in My Late 20s
    The Painful Friends With Benefits Cycle
    10 Reasons Why You Might Still Be Single
    The Things Women Say That Piss Off Men
    Challenges Of A Male Relationship Blogger
    Why Relationships Commitment Scares Me
    The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have
    Don’t Tell Me Where To Be Romantic!
    Tickle Me Cheater

    Me? two decades of dating, and now a successful marriage and children.

    You? Don’t know you personally but I have a good intuition about these things and something in your angry berating of a 20-year-old Sofie about prenups (WTF would she care about that at her age), your comical qualifying yourself to Indian girls on the internet that you speak all Indian languages fluently (all 220+? all 20+?), and your endless awaiting of the glory of sexbots tell me that you don’t have a “solid knowledge of women.” That, and your general tone of frustrated argumentativeness with girls.

    I’d say you’ve had maybe a lay or two. And a few crush/obessions on a couple of girls.

    The Fifth Horseman PERMALINK
    October 21, 2009 1:37 pm

    Yawn…..a male who does drive-bys on other men higher up than him reeks of fragility and insecurity. And it shows.

    I am one of the few guys here who actually discusses the mechanics of Game. Can’t say I have ever seen you do the same. All you do is haggle with your co-dependent bigot, Lucifer. You and he are exactly the same (and hence co-dependent on one another).

    Plus, I remind you that I retain the ‘nuclear option’, and can tell you a story that will make you question your existence and desire to live. I am not sufficiently offended yet to use it (plus I have to wait for Chic Noir, who has eagerly awaited the moment when you meet your Doomsday), but you would be a fool to bring such devastation upon yourself.

    Now, know your place, and go back to your specialty of haggling with Lucifer.

    The Fifth Horseman PERMALINK
    October 21, 2009 1:40 pm
    something in your angry berating of a 20-year-old Sofie about prenups (WTF would she care about that at her age),
    DatingDamageControl (Blog)
    créée le 12.12.2024 à 11:33, mise à jour le 12.12.2024 à 11:33.

    différence entre gazon, pelouse et prairie

    Date de l'article : 07.01.2023
    Corps de l'article : Des pelouses aux prairies, le gazon est un élément fondamental de tout jardin. Que vous recherchiez des pelouses vertes luxuriantes ou des parterres fleuris, la clé réside dans le choix du bon type de gazon et dans les soins à lui apporter. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer ce qu'est exactement le gazon, ses caractéristiques et comment créer votre propre gazon à partir de semis.

    Quelles sont les caractéristiques du gazon ?

    Le gazon est un élément essentiel de tout jardin, pelouse ou pré. Il est composé d'une grande variété de graminées et de semis de graminées, notamment le ray-grass, le pâturin, l'agrostide et la fétuque. Cette combinaison collective crée une pelouse dense qui est à la fois esthétique et fonctionnelle.

    Quelles sont les caractéristiques de la pelouse ?

    Une pelouse est constituée de graminées serrées les unes contre les autres, qui forment un tapis vert et luxuriant. La pelouse doit être coupée régulièrement pour maintenir la hauteur souhaitée des brins d'herbe. Un entretien régulier de la pelouse permet également de préserver sa couleur profonde. Les pelouses peuvent avoir des caractéristiques différentes selon le type d'herbe utilisé dans la pelouse et la routine d'entretien.

    Quelles sont les caractéristiques de la prairie ?

    La prairie est une zone de terre ouverte où les herbes et autres plantes herbacées poussent à une densité importante. On la trouve généralement dans les zones qui reçoivent des précipitations constantes, comme les prairies ou les steppes. Les prairies se caractérisent par une végétation aux racines profondes, qui aide à prévenir l'érosion du sol et assure la stabilité de l'environnement. Elles

    Quelles sont les caractéristiques du Gazon japonais ?

    Le gazon japonais est un type d'herbe à gazon originaire du Japon. Il a un port bas et se compose de brins courts et denses qui poussent de manière uniforme, formant une pelouse verte et luxuriante quelle que soit la saison. L'herbe japonaise a tendance à se développer au mieux dans des sols humides et fertiles, avec un drainage adéquat et une exposition plein soleil.

    Comment choisir sa pelouse ?

    Choisir la bonne pelouse peut être une tâche intimidante, mais ce n'est pas une fatalité. En connaissant les caractéristiques des herbes à gazon, ainsi que l'environnement et les besoins d'entretien de votre pelouse, vous pourrez déterminer le type de pelouse qui convient le mieux à vos besoins.

    Lorsque vous choisissez une herbe à gazon, tenez compte des éléments suivants:

    - Le climat et la température de votre région. Les différentes herbes à gazon ont des niveaux de tolérance différents à la chaleur, au froid et à l'humidité.

    - Le type de sol de votre pelouse. Différentes pelouses se développent mieux dans certains types de sol, comme le sable, l'argile ou le loam.

    - Le degré d'ensoleillement annuel de la pelouse. Les différentes herbes à gazon nécessitent des niveaux différents d'ensoleillement.

    - L'aspect et le toucher souhaités de votre pelouse. Les différentes herbes à gazon ont des aspects différents, comme les pelouses vertes luxuriantes ou les pelouses fleuries.

    Combien coûte le gazon ?

    Le coût du gazon peut varier considérablement en fonction du type de gazon que vous choisissez, de l'endroit où vous l'achetez et de la quantité dont vous avez besoin. En règle générale, le prix du mètre carrés en euros est de environ 4,00 - 10,00 euros, selon la variété que vous choisissez et la quantité de gazon dont vous avez besoin pour couvrir votre pelouse ou votre jardin.
    DifferenceEntreGazonPelouseEtPrairie (Blog), écrite par bRyaVYqhJZ
    créée le 19.01.2023 à 19:26, mise à jour le 19.01.2023 à 19:26.

    Programme 2021 du Groupe Herbe et autonomie fourragère

    Date de l'article : 04.03.2021
    Thématique : Autonomie fourragère
    Chapo de l'article : Retrouvez les 8 séances programmées pour le groupe Herbe pour 2021 : Sorgho, gestion des prairies temporaires, dérobées fourragères, intérêt de l'arbre dans les pâtures.....
    Programme2021DuGroupeHerbeEtAutonomieFou (Blog)
    créée le 04.03.2021 à 10:25, mise à jour le 09.07.2021 à 11:11.

    Le zero dechet qu'est ce que c'est ?

    Date de l'article : 23.02.2021
    Thématique : Agriculture Bio
    Chapo de l'article :

    Zéro déchet - qu'est-ce que c'est ?

    Il est de plus en plus connu que la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour va bientôt tuer notre planète. Pour éviter cela, nous devons tous changer nos habitudes quotidiennes. Si vous voulez faire au moins un petit pas vers l'amélioration de notre environnement, apprenez quelques principes de l'éco-tendance "zéro déchet".

    Zéro déchet est littéralement traduit par "pas de déchets", "pas de détritus". Toutefois, de nombreux professionnels de l'écologie soulignent que le concept de "zéro déchet" est très large et que les principes de cette philosophie peuvent être appliqués à de nombreux aspects de notre vie. Mais le message le plus important est le principal : l'idée est de produire le moins de déchets possible au cours des activités quotidiennes de routine.

    Mais comment le faire ? Par où commencer ? Voici quelques uns des grands principes de la philosophie "zéro déchet" et des exemples de leur mise en pratique.

    Est-ce vraiment nécessaire ?

    Comme le montrent de nombreux classements, les Polonais sont une nation qui achète beaucoup plus de nourriture qu'elle n'en a besoin. Nous savons tous à quoi ressemblent les magasins avant chaque long week-end ou jour férié. Combien de fois avez-vous acheté des produits supplémentaires "en réserve" ? Les légumes, les fruits ou la viande perdent rapidement leur fraîcheur et finissent donc tout simplement à la poubelle. Il vaut donc la peine de réfléchir à l'avance à ce dont vous avez vraiment besoin et en quelle quantité. Une solution très simple consiste simplement à planifier les repas quelques jours à l'avance et à créer méticuleusement une liste de courses. De cette façon, nous n'achetons que ce dont nous avons vraiment besoin.

    Essayez de réutiliser

    La plupart des choses que nous achetons viennent dans un paquet. Malheureusement, en général, après l'avoir ramené à la maison et avoir sorti (ou mangé) le contenu de l'emballage qui nous intéresse, nous le jetons immédiatement à la poubelle. Et pourtant, une boîte de glace en plastique peut être un excellent moyen de conserver les restes de nourriture dans le réfrigérateur, et les bouteilles de jus en verre sont parfaites comme vases. Utilisez des pots de concombres pour faire plus de conserves, de vieux pneus peuvent être utilisés dans le jardin comme une nouvelle course d'obstacles pour les enfants ou une façon de faire des parterres de fleurs... Tout dépend de votre créativité !

    Séparer, composter, recycler

    Faisons en sorte que les choses que nous utilisons aient une chance d'être réutilisées. Saviez-vous que le papier peut être recyclé 6 fois ? Le plus important, c'est qu'il aille au bon endroit et qu'il ait une chance d'être recyclé. Faisons donc attention à séparer les déchets, le papier, le plastique et les autres matières plastiques. N'oubliez pas non plus les déchets organiques - si vous avez un jardin, un composteur est une solution très utile. Si vous avez un jardin, un composteur est une solution très utile car il fournit un engrais naturel pour vos plantes. Si vous vivez en ville, n'oubliez pas de jeter les déchets organiques dans des conteneurs spéciaux.

    Ce ne sont là que quelques principes de base de la philosophie "zéro déchet". Comme vous pouvez le voir, le sujet est très vaste, mais de petits pas vers l'amélioration de l'état de notre planète peuvent être faits tout de suite. N'oubliez donc pas de toujours emporter votre propre sac de courses au magasin, d'éviter les petits sacs en plastique pour les légumes et les fruits et, dans un café, de demander qu'un café à emporter soit versé dans votre propre thermos. Si peu, mais peut faire tellement !
    LeZeroDechetQuEstCeQueCEst (Blog)
    créée le 01.02.2021 à 15:30, mise à jour le 01.02.2021 à 15:30.

    Formation à la naturopathie

    Date de l'article : 29.04.2020
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Thématique : Techniques d'élevage, Techniques culturales
    Chapo de l'article : Ecole de Naturopathie en ligne
    Corps de l'article : Se former à la naturopathie pour savoir comment devenir naturopathe.
    FormationALaNaturopathie (Blog)
    créée le 21.08.2020 à 13:09, mise à jour le 21.08.2020 à 13:09.

    Kindness as a Superpower in Love

    Date de l'article : 29.01.2023
    Chapo de l'article : More On the Nuclear Family with Children Narrative
    Loosening the Chains of the Nuclear Family
    Kindness and Modern Dating
    How to Navigate Uncertainty in Online Dating
    A Dating Suggestion to the Deeply Frustrated
    Rethinking Gender Norms in Modern Dating
    Obsessing About Strangers
    Two Dates in One
    Texts Or Calls And Dating
    Men Like a Challenge
    Men Want to Feel Manly
    Issues with the Language of Dating Angst

    Given the idyllic isolation of the home the couple chooses to settle and start their family in, far away from the troubles of their friends and family, I'm inclined to agree. And yet as a writer on modern relationships, and supportive of alternative models of being together, I also detect a strong whiff of conservatism in the reviewer's tone. And I can't help but wonder had this couple been "happily married" and about to have their first child, as is often the case in mainstream feel-good movies, if the review would have been a bit more "feel good" itself.

    Damon: This is an odd question for me to answer, because while I’ve never “dated” interracially, the first woman I slept with in college was white.

    Outside of the fact that she was a senior and I was a freshman, our two month long relationship was pretty unremarkable. It was your garden variety college fuck buddy arrangement — I don’t think I ever even saw her before 1am — but the circumstances around us meeting each other were so wrought with contrived stereotype that it could have easily been the premise for an episode of “The Game”

    Basically, she approached me at a bar, and asked if I was “Damon Young from the basketball team.” When I replied “Yes,” she whispered “I want to fuck you” in my ear. I (obviously) obliged.

    Now, although I realize that this story can be deconstructed from a thousand different angles, it’s important to note that if she never approached me that night, I still probably would have never slept with and/or dated a white woman.

    Why? Well, for starters, I’m much more attracted to African-American woman than I am to any other demographic. I’ve also been lucky enough to live in places where black women are bountiful and (most importantly) I’ve been lucky enough to have attractive black women attracted to and interested in me. While I definitely find women of all colors and cultures attractive, I’ve never had a need to “step out.”

    And, even if I did feel that need, all of my flirting, approaching, and dating experience has been with black (and “black acting” Hispanic) women. I mean, I know that women are, for the most part, women, but there are some subtle and not so subtle differences in the way that different cultures of women act and respond to romantic interest. Basically, I have no clue how to approach non-black women. I wouldn’t know what to say, how to flirt, how to gauge interest, etc.
    KindnessAsASuperpowerInLove (Blog)
    créée le 02.01.2025 à 11:05, mise à jour le 02.01.2025 à 11:05.

    7 Things You Should Never Say to Your Single Friends

    Date de l'article : 28.01.2022
    Auteur : Audrey Polard
    Chapo de l'article : An Ode to Emily
    More Than Meets The Eyes
    Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
    The Play Date
    Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
    The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
    When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
    Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
    Should You Settle?
    Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
    Cheating is a Cop Out
    The Dance of Second Chances
    1. It’s a numbers game: That is the last thing someone who just closed 1,456 matches on e-Harmony wants to hear. The absolute last thing.

    2. It just takes one: No pressure. None at all there.

    3. Been on any hot dates lately?: If we are on hot date, you will know about it. Everyone will - they are so rare that single ppl blast it from their rooftops.

    4. Look on the bright side: This only reminds single people that they are operating on the dreary dark side. Thanks for reminding us there is a bright side that we may never get to. Greatly appreciated.

    5. Maybe it will work out: You don’t think that. You thought it was hopeless and he was a total loser. Don’t mock us with false hope now.

    6. It’s just a matter of time for you: If I have one more friend that tells me that, I swear I am going to end up on the ten o’clock news for malicious eye poking.

    7. I know how you feel: No you don’t. You are happy with someone. You don’t know. And that is really okay.
    7ThingsYouShouldNeverSayToYourSingleFr (Blog)
    créée le 08.01.2025 à 09:24, mise à jour le 08.01.2025 à 09:24.

    Surviving the Dating Drought

    Date de l'article : 28.01.2022
    Chapo de l'article : Why Is Self-Esteem Important For Dating?
    Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites
    Seizing New Dating Opportunities
    The Perfect Movie Date at Home
    Single Men Don’t Have Body Image Issues
    What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?
    Equating ‘Sexuality’ with Male Sexuality
    Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?
    How Jealousy Can Work For Us
    The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating
    Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal
    Even in Relationship You’re All Alone
    I Lack the Commitment Gene
    Stop Crying and Be a Man

    If you’ve made it this far in the year without managing to lock yourself in some kind of relationship, then you’re in for some harsh weather in the upcoming months. Every year at about this time, us single people suffer what I like to call the Dating Drought.

    dating drought weather map

    Sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving, people everywhere couple up, and a bunch of us, every time get left behind to suffer the drought. Don’t ask me how this happens, for the life of me I can’t figure it out because I can’t manage to lock down a relationship for years a time, and suddenly within a month time period, everyone else can.

    During the month of October, everyone wants to be single – Halloween is a great time for single people to hook up and be slutty. But then all the single people feel the chill in the air of the drought and take shelter in their cozy little relationships before the dreaded end of the month in November. The holidays are a miserable time to be alone. The family pressures of being single and never finding a husband/wife and having a family, missing out on all the holiday couple activities, spending alone time during the days of the year that were meant to be shared with those you love. The chilly weather makes it nice to cuddle up next to someone, everyone is hiding indoors and when you’re single, you get a lot of alone time inside instead of romantic nights by the fire or under the blankets.

    usa weather map couples

    Since no one likes to be alone during this time, the dating scene dries up, everyone who is left behind becomes extraordinarily miserable, and we walk around for months in the drought, dried up and begging for a sip of water. We are lonely and desperate, we try to survive with what we have and pretend it’s enough, but it’s always just a mirage.

    And this goes on and on…until Valentines Day. Even if couples start to struggle after all the pressures the holidays cause, they keep it together enough until Valentines Day. No one wants to be alone until after then, and so they continue on with their struggling relationship until the season changes, and the stormy Valentines Day clouds form. The day after, the clouds break, the rain falls and the drought for us single people is finally over.

    global warming drought

    So single girls (and guys), pack yourself some water bottles and get ready to walk through the dating drought with me one more year. February 15: here we come!
    SurvivingTheDatingDrought (Blog)
    créée le 10.01.2025 à 10:55, mise à jour le 10.01.2025 à 10:55.

    Make Him Stodgy, Please

    Date de l'article : 29.01.2022
    Chapo de l'article : Settling for Mr. “Good Enough”
    Can You Really Settle for Love?
    Is the Modern Hook-Up Really a Threat?
    How the World Makes Love
    Notes On Soul Mates and Sails
    What I Miss (and Don’t Miss) About My Wedding Ring
    The Rise of Polyamory in Modern Society
    My Mexican Summer Fling
    Using Magic to Find Love
    Can You Be Friends With Your Ex Right Away?
    Love Addict: Do You Just Know?
    The Two-Sided Tale of a One-Night Stand

    There’s something about those stodgy men…

    We love the new site Stodgy is Sexy. What woman doesn’t want a man who smokes out of a pipe? Or one that knows how to take his whiskey smooth and on the rocks after a hard day at the office? Sure, we’ll leave the misogyny back in the 50′s and on Mad Men, but we’ll take the doors being held open instead of slamming in our faces any day.

    I had the privilege of writing about my own stodgy man this week at SIS. Check it out, and ponder how you too can trade out the Crest with baking soda tooth powder (much healthier) and get your man to stop at the shoe shiner when you have some extra time before that next flight.

    Of course, he’ll have to have shoes that can be shined, but you got that covered.
    MakeHimStodgyPlease (Blog)
    créée le 14.01.2025 à 11:08, mise à jour le 14.01.2025 à 11:08.

    JTT's Successful Comeback

    Date de l'article : 09.01.2021
    Auteur : Aurore Dlugon
    Chapo de l'article : My parents call it the funnel theory: putting in a ton of effort so that at least one of what you want will shake out the bottom. My dad usually uses it as an oh-so-eloquent metaphor for job hunting, but my mom, she uses it to force me one step closer to giving her grandchildren. I saw her recently, and to prepare myself, I did indeed fill the funnel to see what I could get.

    I went on my last date. And then I met some 4+ other guys in the course of the following week and a half. I pretty much never want to go on a first date again.

    And hopefully, I won’t have to any time soon. The witty-yet-aloof funnyman from Tinder was indeed witty, cute and funny. Most importantly, the conversation was just easy.

    In fact, it was so easy that I was extremely disappointed when he didn’t seem to want to see me after our coffee date. We exchanged a couple of texts, and when I asked him if he wanted to grab a drink and play some video games at a nearby bar that has old school gaming machines, he rainchecked me with no alternative offer. In my experience, people who want to see you will make plans with you.

    jttSo I met some other yahoos to both take my mind off JTT (a fantastic nickname not earned because of his initials or any resemblance to the former teen heartthrob) and to have someting to report back to my mom. And they were duds. Nice, but duds.

    And then, nearly two weeks later, a text from JTT… “inquiring about hanging out.” Usually I’d think this was some sort of lame slow-play to just keep me on the back burner; I’ve seen that game before. But because I was excited to hear from him, I thought I’d give it a shot and see how it played out.

    And I’m glad I did. Guess my optimism isn’t totally shot after all. He ended up taking me for mini-golf, and while whether or not he let me win is ever confirmed, I had a great time. He apparently did too. I’ve heard from him nearly every day and he asked me if I would like to plan our next outing, which will be tomorrow. I’m happy we’ve moved past the two-week delay, and I’m going to write that off as “other life shit going on” because that happens to the best of us. It might have been another girl, it might have been a crazy work schedule, but I really don’t care. I seem to have his attention now, and am looking forward to letting it play out.

    In all seriousness, my parents would love him,

    [3 Deadly Strategies To Use Against Cockblockers](
    What Does Your Price Imply About Your Value?
    How To Be With 4 Women At The Same Time
    What Is The Worst That Could Happen?
    11 Step Prep For A Night Out
    The Number 1 Way To Have A One Night Stand
    Disregard White Women - Acquire Currency
    14 Dating Do’s And Don’t
    Things I Learned From Being the Other Woman
    How to Heal From A Break-Up
    All the break-up feelings.
    The Most Important Dating Lesson
    Anatomy of Date: After.
    JttSSuccessfulComeback (Blog)
    créée le 22.01.2025 à 08:55, mise à jour le 22.01.2025 à 08:55.

    Why I Got Into A Relationship And Some Thoughts On LTR Game

    Date de l'article : 30.01.2022
    Chapo de l'article : Should Single Guys Use Emoticons
    Leaving the Ghosts of an Ex Behind
    Bitchiness as a Defense Mechanism: Lessons from Blogging About My Ex
    Can You be Friends With an Ex?
    The Men We Know We Have No Future With…
    Men Who Ghost Before the First Date
    No Strings Attached is Bullshit.
    Do Women Really Want Equality In Relationships?
    Your Best Friend the Hag
    Why Being Single Doesn’t Suck
    Rules For Hanging Out With Your Ex
    How to Approach Guys in a Bar
    How NOT to Approach A Guy In A Bar
    8 Facts about Cheating

    Some of my readers may be wondering why I got into a relationship. Or maybe if there’s any real point to a relationship.

    I got into a relationship because 1.) I want to work on my LTR game 2.) I enjoy having a girl around who I enjoy both fucking the shit out of her and hanging out with her and doing random things and 3.) there are needs we get from women beyond sexual needs, in particular they’re affection needs.

    The last point comes from Sixty. The 60 Years of Challenge material. Before I got into a relationship with Ghetto Club, I not only talked to Krauser about it, but I also made sure to read 60′s Relationship Roulette.

    There’s a lot of good points in there, I’m not going to post everything he said, but I’ll post quotes, bits and pieces that really hit home with me and I’m making sure to take note of and focus on while I’m in a relationship.

    One thing he mentions is:

    Who is Really Good With Women
    Having sex with lots of women and racking up numbers is not that impressive. Getting
    laid is easy.
    I know lots of guys who can do this and still aren’t very good dealing with women and

    Good point. You have to be versatile. I want to be able to rack up numbers, have one night stands, and have girls who are really into me that I enjoy relationships with… so, what is the goal then?

    The Goal
    What is impressive to me is guys who can get female affection and consistent sex from
    a good girl for long periods of time without having to give away their masculine
    power or follow a woman’s agenda just to keep getting it.


    The true test of how good a man is with women is not how he satisfies his desire for
    sex, but how he deals with his need for affection.

    He delves deeper into relationships by talking about women and their agenda…

    It’s Not You It’s Her Agenda
    Why do guys continue to get married despite a 70% divorce rate? Ego. They actually
    think that because she wants to get married, he really must be special.

    He tells a short story to explain his point:

    A friend of mine had been dating her boyfriend for just over 2 years. She
    absolutely adores this guy. Talks all the time about how they are madly in love. They
    hang out every day and take long trips together. She is 27 and had been talking lately
    about how she wants to get engaged and isn’t going to wait around forever. So with
    mathematical precision she gave her boyfriend an ultimatum disguised in the form of a
    Where is this relationship going?
    She didn’t like his answer and she left him the same day. Packed up her stuff and poof
    she was gone. Less than 3 months later she is in a serious relationship with a new guy.
    She is moving into his house this week. They are engaged to be married. There is even
    talk of a child on the way. What Happened?
    Women are tough when it comes to their agendas and what they want. I give them
    credit. They don’t mess around. No matter how cool you think you are, these
    relationships are not about you. Guys need to realize that just because she wants to
    move in with you or marry you doesn’t mean she likes you the best. You are not special.
    What would your girlfriend choose?
    You or her agenda?
    Women Do Not Really Love Us
    Women do not really love us. This is the harsh truth. At least not in the way we all hope
    to be loved. Unconditionally. The only way to get consistent, reliable and pure female
    affection is to follow the agenda. Women aren’t giving their affection away for free. You
    don’t get her compassion, hugs and feminine spirit just because you are a cool
    guy. There is a price to pay. And if you won’t play ball there are many other guys who
    gladly will.
    And it is only one of those guys who will get her affection

    Wow. There’s some fucking truth in there. I know you know some girls that ALWAYS have a boyfriend. They break up with one and instantly… they have a new guy. It’s essentially just part of her agenda – to have a boyfriend. She’s not with you because she loves you, she’s with you because she wants to have a boyfriend. It’s worth noting and keeping in mind. My Last Ex was like that. After we broke up, she had a new guy almost immediately. Giving him the same affection I had just gotten (Facebook is a bitch, isn’t it). I had to block her from my Facebook in order to not see that shit because of the effect it had on me. I couldn’t understand how someone who was so into me, who just a couple of weeks ago was telling me she was going to do something special for me to “show me how much I mean to her” could just pick it right back up with another dude. You made me feel like I was the perfect guy for you and now two weeks later, you’ve met another perfect guy? That doesn’t make sense… there can’t be two of us…

    Sixty elaborates more on this with talks of purity and affection:

    The marriage trade off. Men get purity. Women get commitment. At first both parties are
    happy with the arrangement.
    Men just want to feel loved and the benchmark they use is she only has sex with me
    equals she loves me. Thus a woman’s purity becomes something that must be
    defended at all costs.

    The ultimate way to defend purity is by getting married. Even though you still want to
    have sex with new women.

    Men end up trading their freedom for her purity. Why do men need purity to feel loved?
    Why is it so important?

    Because most men can’t accept female affection (i.e. snuggling) from a woman who is
    fucking another guy. It repulses them. This is rooted in our biology and the M/w

    This feeling intensifies when you’re deeply in love during the honeymoon period. Men in
    this state will agree to do almost anything including marriage to keep her from sucking
    another guy’s cock. Of course guys will never admit this directly.

    Guys only get married because they are getting something out of it. And it sure as hell
    ain’t sex. They are getting affection from a pure source.

    Even rock stars and celebs end up getting married and they can have sex with any
    woman they want. But they can’t get affection from a pure woman. Affection is powerful
    stuff, just ask Jay-Z.

    Marriage guarantees a man years of consistent, reliable and pure form of the drug he
    really wants, female affection.

    Guys don’t get married for the sex; they get married for the affection.

    That is true. As guys we don’t like the thought of our woman being with another man. I hate when Ghetto Club even hints at her past, which she does sometimes… as did other girls. February Fling did the same shit all of the time. Drop hints about dudes they fucked before me. I never got that. Why would you do such a thing? To test my jealousy? To make me less attracted to you? I don’t get it. I generally just ignore such comments, because there’s really not much else to do about them. But yeah, I wouldn’t like the thought of my girl fucking another dude. It’s funny, because it didn’t matter to me…. until I started liking her. Now it matters, now I find myself wishing she’d never slept with another dude her whole life before me… when months ago when I was initially fucking her, I never cared at all about that. All guys have this problem though from what I can tell. Just ask Roosh, or hell, just read he post when he found out he was with a girl with a “rather experienced past” let’s say. Here’s a quote from Roosh’s post:

    At that moment, she was dead to me. Alright maybe not dead, but the freak in the sheets and lady on the streets image I built her up to be imploded like an old Vegas casino. She proceeded to give me details as my face turned from ease and contentment to looking like I was dumping a log in the toilet. I listened to her every word as she told me how guys pounded her multiple holes during one drunken night in college. I had to stop her from telling me more. It was my fault for not recognizing the warning signs: her ambivalence towards condoms, her penchant for public sex, and her love of record-setting gangbang events where a random guy off the street has to put in just a couple strokes to make it count. I should have known.

    I continued having condomless sex with her but it just wasn’t the same: I kept imagining my best friends tag-teaming her along with me, asking me if I’m “having a good time” and if she is “always this freaky.” A few more months of that, after these kinky bedroom thoughts progressed into a heterosexual gray area, I decided to end the relationship.

    In relationships since then I’ve had to stop girls from opening their big mouth and telling me their past sexual history, lest the image I have of them in my head be disturbed.

    It’s a slippery slope. And every girl has a past. My rational mind tells me that there is no madonna and there is no whore. All these girls are the same. Some may party more, some may have a higher number of partners, but it doesn’t really matter – it’s still the same. They all have a past, they all have thoughts and visions of other guys. Crushes, celebrity crushes. All girls are capable of cheating. That’s just the truth of the matter. Many of the girls I’ve slept with have had boyfriends. It feels great to be the other dude, but nobody wants to be the dude that’s getting cheated on.

    It really makes me wonder why we accept monogamy as the norm. Rationally it really doesn’t make sense. Men want to be free and have random experiences with new women, and to some extent women do to. But, like 60 says women get into relationships because they have an agenda – the white dress, the wedding, the house in the suburbs with 2 kids. And men get into relationships to get female affection from a pure source.

    What else does 60 have to say on the subject?

    Just because she married YOU don’t mean she loves you the most. Women don’t marry
    the guy they like best. They marry the best guy out of the pool of guys who is willing to
    commit to her agenda. The guy she likes best and still fantasizes about is the sexy
    adventurous guy who refused to commit.

    Again, another point on the agenda of a woman from my first hand experience. I once dated a girl who was real into me and when we finally discussed our future and idea that I would never want to get married, after a discussion about it, we basically reached the conclusion/agreement that she would go off and find another dude to marry, but always sneak around, behind his back, to fuck me. She actually agreed to this. Although, she probably hates me now and I’m sure the deal is off, but just the fact that she would agree to it at the time is funny enough.

    The Alternative to Marriage
    Instead of getting all your female affection from just one woman you are going to need
    to get it from several. It’s easy to get sex from a variety of women but it’s harder to get
    affection from a variety of stable, loving women.
    Affection Variety
    We have two needs sex and affection. Our sexual needs require variety, whereas we
    have no issue getting affection from the same woman for many years. So it makes
    sense why a man would stay with one woman for a long time to get affection and look
    for sexual variety outside of that relationship.

    First of all you tough guys need to admit that you need female affection in your life. You
    can help fill this need by diversifying where you get your female affection from. One
    woman cannot provide all of the female affection you need. Get a second
    girlfriend, have a few female friends, babysit your niece. Invite a friend and her daughter
    over for a visit. Female affection and feminine energy has no age restriction. From
    young girls to grandmothers, each woman has their own special energy that can make a
    man feel good.

    The Purity/Affection Issue

    Second you are going to have to deal with the purity/affection issue. Because by not
    committing to ONE woman you are going to be getting some of your female “affection”
    from women who are having sex with other guys. She is over your house right now and
    wants to snuggle with you.

    Sorry guys but this is the truth of this lifestyle. You still up for it? It’s tough but you need
    to deal with all of your M/w issues if you want to avoid marriage and still have a constant
    flow of female affection in your life.

    You may never have purity, but you will always have freedom.
    Lifetime dedication to meeting new women
    Third you need to constantly meet and seduce high-quality good girls into your rotation.
    Not just any random Freak-Buddy is worthy of being a good candidate for the important
    job of giving you the female affection you need.

    For example, if you settle for any unstable woman just so you can get some scraps of
    feminine affection you are going to seriously screw up your life.
    Not all of these women will stay with you forever as some will move on when they find a
    man that will commit. This will hurt as you love and care for these women a lot. Prepare
    for some pain.

    Plus these quality girls will need to be replaced again and again over the years. This
    means your work is never done.

    Rationally, I’ve already accepted the last point. That I’ll always be in and out of relationships. I never expect to settle down and be with one woman forever. I realize that. These women are replaceable though. I had deep feelings for both of my exes, but I realize now Ghetto Club fulfills much of the same needs that they did. As of right now, she’s a good girlfriend and she plays the role well. She seems to absolutely adore me and misses me greatly when I’m not around or don’t talk to her for a few days. I handle this relationship better than I’ve handled past ones, with being less needy, less lovely-dovey and overall more sexual, and I plan to keep it that way. In the same PDF, Sixty outlines his relationship map, and I’ll leave it on this note before this post gets any longer than it needs to be, although there’s plenty more in Relationship Roulette that I could quote from and discuss. Basically, I recommend anyone serious about this shit to read it, and perhaps the rest of 60′s material as well (I still need to read the others myself), but it’s good shit.

    So, here it is, 60′s “Maintenance Program” for relationships:

    Your maintenance program during the relationship:

    1. Golden Rule
    She likes me slightly more than I like her.
    It’s subtle, but since we met she has always been chasing me. Since I have all of the
    core elements in place my interest level in even the most attractive women never rises
    above 90%. I know a man with super high interest acts needy by default and being put
    on a pedestal is not what she really wants anyway. Or as David Deida says she doesn’t
    want to be number one.
    This is the meta-frame of our relationship. She worked hard to qualify for me and now
    she wants to protect her investment. Little does she know I was crazy about her during
    the 90 day screening process. But I kept my cool and my objectivity. I realize if I am not
    the prize that all of my other relationship problems are secondary. I also realize that by
    not being the prize in a world where a majority of men, advertising, TV shows, and
    movies depict women as the prize isn’t a good frame to be operating from.

    2. Have a busy life outside of her
    My woman is not my only purpose in life. She is one piece of a complex puzzle of
    needs. I also have a life full of of friends, family, career, and hobbies. I promise not to
    neglect any of them. In fact, they become even more important now that I am in a

    3. Be a positive challenge
    Don’t stop the tension. I understand that by entering into a relationship with you I have
    signed up to be a challenge every day. I promise to remember to give you the tension
    you deserve in order to keep your sexual attraction for me high. I realize all of the
    challenge and tension I created yesterday no longer counts. Today is a new day and I
    am seducing you again for the first time.

    4. Keep doing the little things right everyday
    I will avoid becoming complacent. I understand that attraction is a feeling you get, it’s
    not a choice. I will NEVER take this mysterious feeling for granted by forgetting to do
    the little things. The .001%. I could probably get away with some of this stuff for a short
    period of time but I choose not to. I don’t want to be blindsided one day and have you
    say you don’t feel any attraction for me. I know I won’t be getting a warning. At the same time I don’t want to wake up one day and look at my woman and not feel
    sexual attraction towards her either. By doing the little things right I will keep her interest
    level high. This will make her work even harder for me, which as a result keeps
    my attraction for her strong. Being a challenge is a cycle that benefits both of us.

    5. Great Sex
    I realize that first and foremost this is a sexual relationship. Sex isn’t just an important
    part of the relationship, sex IS the relationship. No sex equals no relationship. Our bond
    is based on sexual attraction. Although we will always have affection for each other,
    without the sexual component we are really just good friends.
    I promise to keep fucking you good, trying new things and not treat you like a fragile
    piece of glass. I realize you are BOTH my Madonna and my whore and I love you for it.
    WhyIGotIntoARelationshipAndSomeThoughts (Blog)
    créée le 30.01.2025 à 10:26, mise à jour le 30.01.2025 à 10:26.

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