JTT's Successful Comeback
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My parents call it the funnel theory: putting in a ton of effort so that at least one of what you want will shake out the bottom. My dad usually uses it as an oh-so-eloquent metaphor for job hunting, but my mom, she uses it to force me one step closer to giving her grandchildren. I saw her recently, and to prepare myself, I did indeed fill the funnel to see what I could get.
I went on my last date. And then I met some 4+ other guys in the course of the following week and a half. I pretty much never want to go on a first date again.
And hopefully, I won’t have to any time soon. The witty-yet-aloof funnyman from Tinder was indeed witty, cute and funny. Most importantly, the conversation was just easy.
In fact, it was so easy that I was extremely disappointed when he didn’t seem to want to see me after our coffee date. We exchanged a couple of texts, and when I asked him if he wanted to grab a drink and play some video games at a nearby bar that has old school gaming machines, he rainchecked me with no alternative offer. In my experience, people who want to see you will make plans with you.
jttSo I met some other yahoos to both take my mind off JTT (a fantastic nickname not earned because of his initials or any resemblance to the former teen heartthrob) and to have someting to report back to my mom. And they were duds. Nice, but duds.
And then, nearly two weeks later, a text from JTT… “inquiring about hanging out.” Usually I’d think this was some sort of lame slow-play to just keep me on the back burner; I’ve seen that game before. But because I was excited to hear from him, I thought I’d give it a shot and see how it played out.
And I’m glad I did. Guess my optimism isn’t totally shot after all. He ended up taking me for mini-golf, and while whether or not he let me win is ever confirmed, I had a great time. He apparently did too. I’ve heard from him nearly every day and he asked me if I would like to plan our next outing, which will be tomorrow. I’m happy we’ve moved past the two-week delay, and I’m going to write that off as “other life shit going on” because that happens to the best of us. It might have been another girl, it might have been a crazy work schedule, but I really don’t care. I seem to have his attention now, and am looking forward to letting it play out.
In all seriousness, my parents would love him,
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All the break-up feelings.
The Most Important Dating Lesson
Anatomy of Date: After.
I went on my last date. And then I met some 4+ other guys in the course of the following week and a half. I pretty much never want to go on a first date again.
And hopefully, I won’t have to any time soon. The witty-yet-aloof funnyman from Tinder was indeed witty, cute and funny. Most importantly, the conversation was just easy.
In fact, it was so easy that I was extremely disappointed when he didn’t seem to want to see me after our coffee date. We exchanged a couple of texts, and when I asked him if he wanted to grab a drink and play some video games at a nearby bar that has old school gaming machines, he rainchecked me with no alternative offer. In my experience, people who want to see you will make plans with you.
jttSo I met some other yahoos to both take my mind off JTT (a fantastic nickname not earned because of his initials or any resemblance to the former teen heartthrob) and to have someting to report back to my mom. And they were duds. Nice, but duds.
And then, nearly two weeks later, a text from JTT… “inquiring about hanging out.” Usually I’d think this was some sort of lame slow-play to just keep me on the back burner; I’ve seen that game before. But because I was excited to hear from him, I thought I’d give it a shot and see how it played out.
And I’m glad I did. Guess my optimism isn’t totally shot after all. He ended up taking me for mini-golf, and while whether or not he let me win is ever confirmed, I had a great time. He apparently did too. I’ve heard from him nearly every day and he asked me if I would like to plan our next outing, which will be tomorrow. I’m happy we’ve moved past the two-week delay, and I’m going to write that off as “other life shit going on” because that happens to the best of us. It might have been another girl, it might have been a crazy work schedule, but I really don’t care. I seem to have his attention now, and am looking forward to letting it play out.
In all seriousness, my parents would love him,
[3 Deadly Strategies To Use Against Cockblockers](https://bit.ly/4g49Nir)
What Does Your Price Imply About Your Value?
How To Be With 4 Women At The Same Time
What Is The Worst That Could Happen?
11 Step Prep For A Night Out
The Number 1 Way To Have A One Night Stand
Disregard White Women - Acquire Currency
14 Dating Do’s And Don’t
Things I Learned From Being the Other Woman
How to Heal From A Break-Up
All the break-up feelings.
The Most Important Dating Lesson
Anatomy of Date: After.