The Role of Vulnerability in Building Strong Romantic Partnerships
The Role of Vulnerability in Building Strong Romantic Partnerships
Début de l'événement :
Fin de l'événement :
Chapo de l'article :
The 5 Warning Signs Of A Bad Relationship
Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
The Truth About Women’s Dating Blogs
Is Bradley Cooper The Male Carrie Bradshaw?
My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
The Little Things Women Do That Turn Men On
Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian
Just finished reading Saibear’s blog and skimming through the posts. I try to mostly stay a silent observer on these things, but I feel the need to add my voice to this conversation. My voice being the voice of a NON-feminist brother.
Point Black – if a man is not trying to holla at you, most of the time it has nothing to do with your political views or intelligence – he most likely is just not that attracted to you. Never in my 37 years of life have I ever heard or encountered a Black man who said “oh she is fine, but I don’t like her politics”. As a heterosexual male, please believe me if we find a woman physically attractive and even think that she has just a OK personality, we are not going to let your politics get in the way.
In my opinion, if a man is not reciprocating the interest of a woman, there is only a short list of what is going on – 1) He does not find you physically attractive (in my single days, if I had someone in the friendbox, this was the #1 reason), 2) He does not like your personality , 3) He likes you and does not know how to close the deal or 4)He already has a woman somewhere and he is one of those rare brothers that actually respect the boundaries of relationships.
That is it. Normal every day heterosexual males are not complex….
July 15, 2010 at 4:31 pm
@Saibear. Thank you very much for the clarification. I understand your position much better. Yes, it can be very difficult to tease out all the issues in general never mind in a blog post. Everyone who writes — especially on a public, online forum — struggles with that. If it were all that simple, we woulda done kicked patriarchy’s ass by now. :-0
@Toldja. There’s been a whole lotta of assignation going on both ends. I’ll take responsibility and apologize for any leaps I might have made. (Keep in mind that I’m carrying with me some comments made on the blog where the original post lives and not just what was said here. In fact, the position, “You are heteronormative, that’s wack and we aren’t trying to hear it” was the at the core of a comment ironically that came from a poster who in her initial post was very dismissive of the blog’s author.” Perhaps not everyone who is posting here has read all that’s been posted there; my bad for assuming that.)
Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
The Truth About Women’s Dating Blogs
Is Bradley Cooper The Male Carrie Bradshaw?
My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
The Little Things Women Do That Turn Men On
Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian
Just finished reading Saibear’s blog and skimming through the posts. I try to mostly stay a silent observer on these things, but I feel the need to add my voice to this conversation. My voice being the voice of a NON-feminist brother.
Point Black – if a man is not trying to holla at you, most of the time it has nothing to do with your political views or intelligence – he most likely is just not that attracted to you. Never in my 37 years of life have I ever heard or encountered a Black man who said “oh she is fine, but I don’t like her politics”. As a heterosexual male, please believe me if we find a woman physically attractive and even think that she has just a OK personality, we are not going to let your politics get in the way.
In my opinion, if a man is not reciprocating the interest of a woman, there is only a short list of what is going on – 1) He does not find you physically attractive (in my single days, if I had someone in the friendbox, this was the #1 reason), 2) He does not like your personality , 3) He likes you and does not know how to close the deal or 4)He already has a woman somewhere and he is one of those rare brothers that actually respect the boundaries of relationships.
That is it. Normal every day heterosexual males are not complex….
July 15, 2010 at 4:31 pm
@Saibear. Thank you very much for the clarification. I understand your position much better. Yes, it can be very difficult to tease out all the issues in general never mind in a blog post. Everyone who writes — especially on a public, online forum — struggles with that. If it were all that simple, we woulda done kicked patriarchy’s ass by now. :-0
@Toldja. There’s been a whole lotta of assignation going on both ends. I’ll take responsibility and apologize for any leaps I might have made. (Keep in mind that I’m carrying with me some comments made on the blog where the original post lives and not just what was said here. In fact, the position, “You are heteronormative, that’s wack and we aren’t trying to hear it” was the at the core of a comment ironically that came from a poster who in her initial post was very dismissive of the blog’s author.” Perhaps not everyone who is posting here has read all that’s been posted there; my bad for assuming that.)
TheRoleOfVulnerabilityInBuildingStrongRo (Blog)
créée le 17.12.2024 à 10:34, mise à jour le 17.12.2024 à 10:34.
créée le 17.12.2024 à 10:34, mise à jour le 17.12.2024 à 10:34.
Special Kind of Fool: My Journey to Understanding Deep Love
Special Kind of Fool: My Journey to Understanding Deep Love
Date de l'article :
Début de l'événement :
Fin de l'événement :
Chapo de l'article :
Rediscovering Love on My Own Terms
Single Men Who Want More Women
Open Letter To Men Who Want More
For Men Who Love Poly Dating
Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort
Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?
Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem
Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?
Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?
Why Master Monogamy
Uncle Elmer August 30, 2014 at 06:58
In other news : Looks like another case of Social Justice Warriors at work posting fake KKK recruitment flyers.
And look out, here comes da flood.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 0
TFH August 30, 2014 at 11:34
So I am going to verbalize what we here know, but needs to be spread far and wide.
What is the purpose of ‘feminism’, if not to halt this sort of sex-trafficking?
Is there ANY other thing that ‘feminism’ should prioritize, if it were a legitimate political cause of any sort?
Instead, what they do is :
1) Use the government to artificially create a Sheryl Sandberg who would not exist in the free market.
2) Crow about an imaginary rape culture among Westerners, while ignoring a REAL rape culture.
3) Whine about not enough women receiving the money generated from the tech industry (note that there is no talk of actually doing tech work, on their part).
….and a host of other phony causes.
If ‘feminism’ could not organize against this, then no one should pretend it is a real cause whatsoever.
That is the drum we have to beat.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 1
Nate August 30, 2014 at 15:30
Yet, it’s the “misogynists” in the manosphere who are appalled by this. Pick a site at random and you will find a post condemning what happened. Look to a feminist or mainstream site – crickets.
Single Men Who Want More Women
Open Letter To Men Who Want More
For Men Who Love Poly Dating
Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort
Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?
Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem
Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?
Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?
Why Master Monogamy
Uncle Elmer August 30, 2014 at 06:58
In other news : Looks like another case of Social Justice Warriors at work posting fake KKK recruitment flyers.
And look out, here comes da flood.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 0
TFH August 30, 2014 at 11:34
So I am going to verbalize what we here know, but needs to be spread far and wide.
What is the purpose of ‘feminism’, if not to halt this sort of sex-trafficking?
Is there ANY other thing that ‘feminism’ should prioritize, if it were a legitimate political cause of any sort?
Instead, what they do is :
1) Use the government to artificially create a Sheryl Sandberg who would not exist in the free market.
2) Crow about an imaginary rape culture among Westerners, while ignoring a REAL rape culture.
3) Whine about not enough women receiving the money generated from the tech industry (note that there is no talk of actually doing tech work, on their part).
….and a host of other phony causes.
If ‘feminism’ could not organize against this, then no one should pretend it is a real cause whatsoever.
That is the drum we have to beat.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 1
Nate August 30, 2014 at 15:30
Yet, it’s the “misogynists” in the manosphere who are appalled by this. Pick a site at random and you will find a post condemning what happened. Look to a feminist or mainstream site – crickets.
SpecialKindOfFoolMyJourneyToUnderstandi (Blog)
créée le 10.12.2024 à 10:38, mise à jour le 10.12.2024 à 10:38.
créée le 10.12.2024 à 10:38, mise à jour le 10.12.2024 à 10:38.
Double Standards in Relationships: Men vs. Women
Double Standards in Relationships: Men vs. Women
Date de l'article :
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Fin de l'événement :
Chapo de l'article :
The Wingwoman
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
As much as we’d like to, we cannot overlook gender differences. In a perfect world, your hypothetical scenario would be comparing apples to apples; currently it’s like comparing apples to hubcaps. I do not claim a woman’s libido is any less than a man’s, simply that her social and biological connection to it are different. All want for hedonism aside, your proposed revolution puts women at a disadvantage, bearing the burden and the risks while failures are dismissed as “he wasn’t good enough for you anyway then.”
Someone needs to be putting on the breaks. We cannot all do as we wish at all times sexually, as there are consequences. I do not know why the female ends up being the Guardian of Temple Punani, but this dynamic has evolved for a reason. There are other means to achieve gender equity with sex other than advocating people screw whenever they please. Women think they are empowered because they “date/fuck like a man” when in fact, no one should be.
As an addendum to an atrociously long reply, I hope this is all taken as spirited debate (as spirited as one can be on the internet) and not personal in any way.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
19jackie March 5, 2010 at 5:34 PM
Themis, spirited debate is far more interesting that agreeing with people who already agree with me. If we don’t discuss these things openly, it’s impossible to make progress. I have to say this: had she asked me to wait, I would not have labeled her a tease; I would have respected her position as I respect yours. I’ll also submit that I have been the one to walk away from sex on more than one occasion, unafraid of what would be thought of me.
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
As much as we’d like to, we cannot overlook gender differences. In a perfect world, your hypothetical scenario would be comparing apples to apples; currently it’s like comparing apples to hubcaps. I do not claim a woman’s libido is any less than a man’s, simply that her social and biological connection to it are different. All want for hedonism aside, your proposed revolution puts women at a disadvantage, bearing the burden and the risks while failures are dismissed as “he wasn’t good enough for you anyway then.”
Someone needs to be putting on the breaks. We cannot all do as we wish at all times sexually, as there are consequences. I do not know why the female ends up being the Guardian of Temple Punani, but this dynamic has evolved for a reason. There are other means to achieve gender equity with sex other than advocating people screw whenever they please. Women think they are empowered because they “date/fuck like a man” when in fact, no one should be.
As an addendum to an atrociously long reply, I hope this is all taken as spirited debate (as spirited as one can be on the internet) and not personal in any way.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
19jackie March 5, 2010 at 5:34 PM
Themis, spirited debate is far more interesting that agreeing with people who already agree with me. If we don’t discuss these things openly, it’s impossible to make progress. I have to say this: had she asked me to wait, I would not have labeled her a tease; I would have respected her position as I respect yours. I’ll also submit that I have been the one to walk away from sex on more than one occasion, unafraid of what would be thought of me.
DoubleStandardsInRelationshipsMenVsWome (Blog)
créée le 19.12.2024 à 10:46, mise à jour le 19.12.2024 à 10:46.
créée le 19.12.2024 à 10:46, mise à jour le 19.12.2024 à 10:46.
The Evolution of Dating Norms in the Digital Age
The Evolution of Dating Norms in the Digital Age
Date de l'article :
Début de l'événement :
Fin de l'événement :
Chapo de l'article :
A Few Thoughts on Conflict in Dating
Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
Anyway just for a bit of an alternative point of view, I’m actually loving the ‘erasure’ of sexuality you’re all complaining about. I wouldn’t really call it that, but it seems to be the same thing as you’re talking about. I thought I was a lesbian until very recently (wayyy too late in life to have such a revelation, really!), when I met my current, male, partner. This is the best relationship I’ve ever had, for reasons that absolutely do not directly involve his gender. But indirectly? The reason I’m not so stressed and worrying in this relationship is because we don’t have to keep anything secret or be nervous and hide it when we’re outside in case someone makes a comment. Being in an opposite-sex relationship is amazing. I’m sorry it has to be the case, but it really is true. I think I’m probably about 99% gay and 1% straight… ish.
Heterosexual privilege can feel wonderful indeed, when it’s something you aren’t used to. I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to be with a guy and have it again, albeit in a different way from how I felt it before — and noticed its loss when I was in a publicly same-sex relationship for a year or so after I transitioned, as compared to the publicly different-sex relationship (so far as the world was concerned) that I was in prior to my transition.
I should add that I do sort of identify as bisexual, even though I have never in my life been with a guy, either before or after my transition. I assume that it’s OK to do that.
Completely ok in my book. I don’t hold to the notion that experience is required before anyone gets to ID as a particular orientation, and I’ll push back against anyone who does. Welcome to the bi club. :)
Me neither, maedchen. Bi is, in my book, people who have been attracted to <1 genders. No sex, dating or relationships required.
I can certainly understand not wanting to be part of the queer community, especially given the bad history of the word queer. I wonder though what you meant by this:
Also, just because I have a certain sexuality doesn’t mean I’m part of some mythical community. I’m part of the normal community, thanks.
since the queer community is neither mythical not abnormal.
Yeah, that was my reaction too. I freely admit that it’s mostly spurred by bitterness.
Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
Anyway just for a bit of an alternative point of view, I’m actually loving the ‘erasure’ of sexuality you’re all complaining about. I wouldn’t really call it that, but it seems to be the same thing as you’re talking about. I thought I was a lesbian until very recently (wayyy too late in life to have such a revelation, really!), when I met my current, male, partner. This is the best relationship I’ve ever had, for reasons that absolutely do not directly involve his gender. But indirectly? The reason I’m not so stressed and worrying in this relationship is because we don’t have to keep anything secret or be nervous and hide it when we’re outside in case someone makes a comment. Being in an opposite-sex relationship is amazing. I’m sorry it has to be the case, but it really is true. I think I’m probably about 99% gay and 1% straight… ish.
Heterosexual privilege can feel wonderful indeed, when it’s something you aren’t used to. I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to be with a guy and have it again, albeit in a different way from how I felt it before — and noticed its loss when I was in a publicly same-sex relationship for a year or so after I transitioned, as compared to the publicly different-sex relationship (so far as the world was concerned) that I was in prior to my transition.
I should add that I do sort of identify as bisexual, even though I have never in my life been with a guy, either before or after my transition. I assume that it’s OK to do that.
Completely ok in my book. I don’t hold to the notion that experience is required before anyone gets to ID as a particular orientation, and I’ll push back against anyone who does. Welcome to the bi club. :)
Me neither, maedchen. Bi is, in my book, people who have been attracted to <1 genders. No sex, dating or relationships required.
I can certainly understand not wanting to be part of the queer community, especially given the bad history of the word queer. I wonder though what you meant by this:
Also, just because I have a certain sexuality doesn’t mean I’m part of some mythical community. I’m part of the normal community, thanks.
since the queer community is neither mythical not abnormal.
Yeah, that was my reaction too. I freely admit that it’s mostly spurred by bitterness.
TheEvolutionOfDatingNormsInTheDigitalAg (Blog)
créée le 26.12.2024 à 11:51, mise à jour le 26.12.2024 à 11:51.
créée le 26.12.2024 à 11:51, mise à jour le 26.12.2024 à 11:51.
Stop Acting Like a Ditz!
Stop Acting Like a Ditz!
Date de l'article :
Début de l'événement :
Fin de l'événement :
Chapo de l'article :
How Pocket-Dialing Can C*ckblock You
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
There have been many online personals I have scrolled through while looking for dates and now I am far more picky with my selections. Oh, how I hate when I meet a girl I found on the personals for dinner who seems to be an over-achiever when it comes to her emotions. Seriously, what is up with women hopping up and down when they’re happy about the littlest god damn thing?
How I wish for the days when women were not educated by the CW or Reality Television shows. Now it seems like men have to bite their tongues while watching their dates perform a combo of baby claps and Stevie Wonder-like head bopping while they emit squeaking squeals of delight all because their appetizers have arrived.
Ladies, regardless what your mothers and your Cosmo magazines have told you in the past, good men do not like women who act less smart than they really are. You can stroke our egos by simply telling us we’re handsome and let out a slight chuckle when we say something funny. Please don’t let out Neve Campbell guffaws and say, “Oh my god! No way! That’s too funny!” when all we did was mention how we don’t like goat cheese on our salads.
Please don’t end every conversation with a question ending in the word ‘right?’ And for the love of God stop twirling your hair like a little girl waiting for an ice cream cone. It’s not attractive even if we still want to bang you after the date is over.
To get the respect of a man, you must not be afraid to be yourself. We want engaging conversation and genuine chemistry. We don’t want to end up with a girl who is lacking in substance and brain cells. So cut out the Snooki routine and act normal. Is that too much to ask for?
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
There have been many online personals I have scrolled through while looking for dates and now I am far more picky with my selections. Oh, how I hate when I meet a girl I found on the personals for dinner who seems to be an over-achiever when it comes to her emotions. Seriously, what is up with women hopping up and down when they’re happy about the littlest god damn thing?
How I wish for the days when women were not educated by the CW or Reality Television shows. Now it seems like men have to bite their tongues while watching their dates perform a combo of baby claps and Stevie Wonder-like head bopping while they emit squeaking squeals of delight all because their appetizers have arrived.
Ladies, regardless what your mothers and your Cosmo magazines have told you in the past, good men do not like women who act less smart than they really are. You can stroke our egos by simply telling us we’re handsome and let out a slight chuckle when we say something funny. Please don’t let out Neve Campbell guffaws and say, “Oh my god! No way! That’s too funny!” when all we did was mention how we don’t like goat cheese on our salads.
Please don’t end every conversation with a question ending in the word ‘right?’ And for the love of God stop twirling your hair like a little girl waiting for an ice cream cone. It’s not attractive even if we still want to bang you after the date is over.
To get the respect of a man, you must not be afraid to be yourself. We want engaging conversation and genuine chemistry. We don’t want to end up with a girl who is lacking in substance and brain cells. So cut out the Snooki routine and act normal. Is that too much to ask for?
Trapped by Appearances: The Problem with 'Good on Paper' Relationships
Trapped by Appearances: The Problem with 'Good on Paper' Relationships
Date de l'article :
Début de l'événement :
Fin de l'événement :
Chapo de l'article :
Parenting and Relationships
Navigating Honesty in Modern Relationships
What Men REALLY Mean: A Guide for Women
How To Be Single And Sober
How A Glass Of Water Can Destroy Your Love
When Love Ignore Red Flags and Common Sense
Why You Shouldn’t Live Together Before Marriage
Shallow Men: A Big Waste
Real Relationships You’ll Never See In A Movie
What Men’s Behavior Reveals About Masculinity
My Problem With Church
Trust Issues: Why Women Don't Trust Men
And dont’ forget to cop your VSB crewneck while the weather outside is still frightful and what not. The shirts were borne out of a collaboration with Coliseum Apparel and VSB. The shirts are dope and be on the look out for a photoshoot coming soon!
Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM get the money…dolla dolla bill y’all.
By now, everybody and their grandmother has heard of the new Oxygen special “All My Babies’ Mamas” featuring one-hit-wonder-cum-ATL trap culture-savant Shawty Lo. Or L-O as many of us “Dey Know” him. Get it? Good.
Between Twitter and the screams, of the black intelligentsia running down the street yelling “mama nooooooooooooooo” I’m convinced that the only way you may NOT have heard about it is a) you’re Black but have no Black friends and aren’t quite sure what “Black” Twitter means or b) you’re an actual white person who also doesn’t know what the Oxygen Network is either.
If you are either, some may consider you lucky. I, however, am not one of them. This may come as a surprise to you all but I have no issue with this show at all.
Yo’ mama. Okay, Shawty Lo’s Baby mama.
Look, I get it. The premise alone leaves much to be desired. Rapper with an obvious allergy to birth control has 11 kids by 10 women. Somebody break out the public service announcements. There’s a stereotype. There’s another one. Oh no, somebody stop the train. I’m with you..except, it’s too late. He’s already got the kids. And the multitude of baby mamas. So all that’s left to do now is hope that he takes care of his kids and gets along with his baby mamas, whether or not a special exists.
And by George, it actually looks like he does.
Navigating Honesty in Modern Relationships
What Men REALLY Mean: A Guide for Women
How To Be Single And Sober
How A Glass Of Water Can Destroy Your Love
When Love Ignore Red Flags and Common Sense
Why You Shouldn’t Live Together Before Marriage
Shallow Men: A Big Waste
Real Relationships You’ll Never See In A Movie
What Men’s Behavior Reveals About Masculinity
My Problem With Church
Trust Issues: Why Women Don't Trust Men
And dont’ forget to cop your VSB crewneck while the weather outside is still frightful and what not. The shirts were borne out of a collaboration with Coliseum Apparel and VSB. The shirts are dope and be on the look out for a photoshoot coming soon!
Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM get the money…dolla dolla bill y’all.
By now, everybody and their grandmother has heard of the new Oxygen special “All My Babies’ Mamas” featuring one-hit-wonder-cum-ATL trap culture-savant Shawty Lo. Or L-O as many of us “Dey Know” him. Get it? Good.
Between Twitter and the screams, of the black intelligentsia running down the street yelling “mama nooooooooooooooo” I’m convinced that the only way you may NOT have heard about it is a) you’re Black but have no Black friends and aren’t quite sure what “Black” Twitter means or b) you’re an actual white person who also doesn’t know what the Oxygen Network is either.
If you are either, some may consider you lucky. I, however, am not one of them. This may come as a surprise to you all but I have no issue with this show at all.
Yo’ mama. Okay, Shawty Lo’s Baby mama.
Look, I get it. The premise alone leaves much to be desired. Rapper with an obvious allergy to birth control has 11 kids by 10 women. Somebody break out the public service announcements. There’s a stereotype. There’s another one. Oh no, somebody stop the train. I’m with you..except, it’s too late. He’s already got the kids. And the multitude of baby mamas. So all that’s left to do now is hope that he takes care of his kids and gets along with his baby mamas, whether or not a special exists.
And by George, it actually looks like he does.
TrappedByAppearancesTheProblemWithGood (Blog)
créée le 26.11.2024 à 17:07, mise à jour le 26.11.2024 à 17:07.
créée le 26.11.2024 à 17:07, mise à jour le 26.11.2024 à 17:07.
Really sad state of affairs
Really sad state of affairs
Date de l'article :
Début de l'événement :
Fin de l'événement :
Chapo de l'article :
A Relationship Evolved (and Happy Birthday To My Ex)
The Unforgettable First Kiss
Jealousy Versus Envy
Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
We Hold Ourselves Back
What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
Learning How to Love Yourself
Love Addict: Writing the Personal
How Do You Learn to Let Go?
Also in some cases if the girl asks for a “Ful body shot” and you send something from the waist down, they usually send a bikini pic.
Or here’s another approach that worked with a 21 year old I met on OK Cupid whom I never did meet in person but who sent me a series of photos of her in tight dresses and finally neglige.
Me: What are you wearing?
Her: Pyjamas
Me: Hello Kitty?
Her: No, lingiere
ME: Photo
sends photo.
If any of the chicks I see on OKCupid sent me naked pics, I’d have to get my eyes professionally cleaned.
What do the Jezebeller feminists think of violence against men? Have a look for yourself. I suggest spreading this link far and wide:
i’d like to see how many of these women actually have silhouettes that look like the ones in the banner at the top of the page. is so bizarre to me that I have to wonder if it is an astroturf site aimed at fanning the flames at the “war between the sexes.” (Did I just date myself?) The current post is a phone number a woman can give out to a guy and when he calls it he will be “rejected by Siri.” The sidebar ad is for a “how to keep him from pulling away,” bs. Really sad state of affairs. I would hope that anyone, male or female, doing the rejecting, would want to be as kind as possible. Just bizarre.
The Unforgettable First Kiss
Jealousy Versus Envy
Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
We Hold Ourselves Back
What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
Learning How to Love Yourself
Love Addict: Writing the Personal
How Do You Learn to Let Go?
Also in some cases if the girl asks for a “Ful body shot” and you send something from the waist down, they usually send a bikini pic.
Or here’s another approach that worked with a 21 year old I met on OK Cupid whom I never did meet in person but who sent me a series of photos of her in tight dresses and finally neglige.
Me: What are you wearing?
Her: Pyjamas
Me: Hello Kitty?
Her: No, lingiere
ME: Photo
sends photo.
If any of the chicks I see on OKCupid sent me naked pics, I’d have to get my eyes professionally cleaned.
What do the Jezebeller feminists think of violence against men? Have a look for yourself. I suggest spreading this link far and wide:
i’d like to see how many of these women actually have silhouettes that look like the ones in the banner at the top of the page. is so bizarre to me that I have to wonder if it is an astroturf site aimed at fanning the flames at the “war between the sexes.” (Did I just date myself?) The current post is a phone number a woman can give out to a guy and when he calls it he will be “rejected by Siri.” The sidebar ad is for a “how to keep him from pulling away,” bs. Really sad state of affairs. I would hope that anyone, male or female, doing the rejecting, would want to be as kind as possible. Just bizarre.
Améliorer l'autonomie protéique grâce aux légumineuses
Améliorer l'autonomie protéique grâce aux légumineuses
Date de l'article :
01.06.2020 - 08:00
Auteur :
Jean Lesplingart
Thématique :
Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales, Réduction des phytos
Début de l'événement :
18.06.2020 - 14:00
Fin de l'événement :
18.06.2020 - 17:00
Chapo de l'article :
Il existe de nombreuses légumineuses avec des intérêts multiples à utiliser seules ou en mélange : luzernes, trèfle violet, trèfle blanc. La luzerne, par exemple, présente de nombreux atouts agronomiques pour l’alimentation et la santé du troupeau. Bien que peu énergique et quelque peu difficile à cultiver et récolter, elle apporte des protéines et des fibres dans la ration et limite le risque d’acidose. Venez échanger avec Bruno Osson, du GNIS et Gwendoline Elluin, de la Chambre d'Agriculture du Nord Pas-de-Calais sur le choix des légumineuses et leur culture.
Corps de l'article :
Rendez-vous le Jeudi 18 juin 2020 de 14 à 17h à Raismes
Infos : Aurore Dlugon, Parc naturel régional de Scarpe-Escaut - ou 0033 (0)3 27 19 19 70
Infos : Aurore Dlugon, Parc naturel régional de Scarpe-Escaut - ou 0033 (0)3 27 19 19 70
AmeliorerLAutonomieProteiqueGraceAuxLegum (Blog)
créée le 07.02.2020 à 14:51, mise à jour le 07.02.2020 à 14:51.
créée le 07.02.2020 à 14:51, mise à jour le 07.02.2020 à 14:51.
L'intérêt des prairies temporaires
L'intérêt des prairies temporaires
Date de l'article :
25.02.2020 - 08:00
Auteur :
Jean Lesplingart
Thématique :
Autonomie fourragère, Alimentation du bétail, Techniques culturales
Début de l'événement :
10.03.2020 - 13:30
Fin de l'événement :
10.03.2020 - 17:00
Chapo de l'article :
L’herbe est un atout précieux dans un système fourrager pour l’alimentation du troupeau. Les prairies temporaires de durée plus ou moins longue apportent un complément aux prairies permanentes. Le choix des espèces et les variétés de la prairie temporaire doit intégrer plusieurs paramètres en fonction du mode d’exploitation, de l’utilisation, des conditions pédoclimatiques, de la durée d’implantation, etc.
Bruno Osson, du GNIS et Quentin Dewilde, de la Chambre d'Agriculture du Nord Pas-de-Calais vous exposeront leurs conseils sur l'implantation et la gestion des prairies temporaires afin de les valoriser au mieux.
Bruno Osson, du GNIS et Quentin Dewilde, de la Chambre d'Agriculture du Nord Pas-de-Calais vous exposeront leurs conseils sur l'implantation et la gestion des prairies temporaires afin de les valoriser au mieux.
Corps de l'article :
Rendez-vous le mardi 10 mars 2020 en la Salle Magritte
Adresse : Rue de la Fauvette, 6 à 7911 Frasnes-les-Anvaing (BE)
La salle se trouve sous l'Administration Communale de Frasnes-les-Anvaing.
Infos : Hervé LUST, Parc naturel du Pays des Collines - ou 0032 68 54 46 02
Adresse : Rue de la Fauvette, 6 à 7911 Frasnes-les-Anvaing (BE)
La salle se trouve sous l'Administration Communale de Frasnes-les-Anvaing.
Infos : Hervé LUST, Parc naturel du Pays des Collines - ou 0032 68 54 46 02
LInteretDesPrairiesTemporaires (Blog)
créée le 25.09.2020 à 16:43, mise à jour le 30.09.2021 à 10:22.
créée le 25.09.2020 à 16:43, mise à jour le 30.09.2021 à 10:22.
Concilier la gestion du parasitisme et les enjeux écologiques dans les prairies humides
Concilier la gestion du parasitisme et les enjeux écologiques dans les prairies humides
Début de l'événement :
03.03.2020 - 09:30
Fin de l'événement :
03.03.2020 - 12:30
Chapo de l'article :
Les pâturages humides sont des zones favorables au développement de maladies parasitaires pénalisantes pour la santé des animaux et l’économie de
l’élevage. Ces espaces présentent également une grande biodiversité qui peut être impactée par les traitements antiparasitaires des bovins. Blaise Dupriez, de Vét’el vous expliquera comment les éleveurs du « Programme de Maintien de l’Agriculture en Zone Humide » ont fait évoluer leurs pratiques.
l’élevage. Ces espaces présentent également une grande biodiversité qui peut être impactée par les traitements antiparasitaires des bovins. Blaise Dupriez, de Vét’el vous expliquera comment les éleveurs du « Programme de Maintien de l’Agriculture en Zone Humide » ont fait évoluer leurs pratiques.
Corps de l'article :
Sortie programmée dans le cadre du Groupe Herbe et Autonomie Fourragère
Rendez-vous le mardi 3 mars 2020 à la Maison du Parc naturel régional Scarpe-Escaut
357 rue Notre Dame d'Amour, à 59230 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux.
Plus d'infos : Aurore Dlugon, PNRSE - ou 0033 (0)3 27 19 19 70
Rendez-vous le mardi 3 mars 2020 à la Maison du Parc naturel régional Scarpe-Escaut
357 rue Notre Dame d'Amour, à 59230 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux.
Plus d'infos : Aurore Dlugon, PNRSE - ou 0033 (0)3 27 19 19 70
ConcilierLaGestionDuParasitismeEtLesEnje (Blog)
créée le 06.02.2020 à 16:57, mise à jour le 06.02.2020 à 17:07.
créée le 06.02.2020 à 16:57, mise à jour le 06.02.2020 à 17:07.