The Role of Vulnerability in Building Strong Romantic Partnerships

Date de l'article : 24.12.2022
Auteur : Audrey Polard
Début de l'événement : 17.12.2023
Fin de l'événement : 19.12.2023
Chapo de l'article : The 5 Warning Signs Of A Bad Relationship
Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
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My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
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Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian

Just finished reading Saibear’s blog and skimming through the posts. I try to mostly stay a silent observer on these things, but I feel the need to add my voice to this conversation. My voice being the voice of a NON-feminist brother.

Point Black – if a man is not trying to holla at you, most of the time it has nothing to do with your political views or intelligence – he most likely is just not that attracted to you. Never in my 37 years of life have I ever heard or encountered a Black man who said “oh she is fine, but I don’t like her politics”. As a heterosexual male, please believe me if we find a woman physically attractive and even think that she has just a OK personality, we are not going to let your politics get in the way.

In my opinion, if a man is not reciprocating the interest of a woman, there is only a short list of what is going on – 1) He does not find you physically attractive (in my single days, if I had someone in the friendbox, this was the #1 reason), 2) He does not like your personality , 3) He likes you and does not know how to close the deal or 4)He already has a woman somewhere and he is one of those rare brothers that actually respect the boundaries of relationships.

That is it. Normal every day heterosexual males are not complex….

July 15, 2010 at 4:31 pm
@Saibear. Thank you very much for the clarification. I understand your position much better. Yes, it can be very difficult to tease out all the issues in general never mind in a blog post. Everyone who writes — especially on a public, online forum — struggles with that. If it were all that simple, we woulda done kicked patriarchy’s ass by now. :-0

@Toldja. There’s been a whole lotta of assignation going on both ends. I’ll take responsibility and apologize for any leaps I might have made. (Keep in mind that I’m carrying with me some comments made on the blog where the original post lives and not just what was said here. In fact, the position, “You are heteronormative, that’s wack and we aren’t trying to hear it” was the at the core of a comment ironically that came from a poster who in her initial post was very dismissive of the blog’s author.” Perhaps not everyone who is posting here has read all that’s been posted there; my bad for assuming that.)
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