Why I Swipe Right (or Left) on American Dating Apps
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It’s interesting. When we had son #1 the ‘old system’ was in place. We had a midwive and a doc. My wife was encouraged to stay in for a few days until the milk came…. this was reinforced by me (just before he came, she was working as a pediatric resident and trying to resusicate a dehydrated week old who had been sent home before the milk had come).
She took a year off, and was the happiest I can recall in the marriage.
Son #2 was born after the medical council had been reformed and continuous documentation of CME and experience bought in — which meant that to keep yourself registered you could not take time off, and maternity care rationalized. We had 12 hours in the hospital.
There was less post natat care, and yes, we imported the model from the USA, and yes, the people who made these decisions were women.
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Jim August 30, 2014 at 15:53
“For the good of the child and the family, I think paternal leave should also be included in any parental leave legislation”
You are not entitled to free money because you have a child.
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Jim August 30, 2014 at 15:55
Fixed that for you David:
“It was the progressives and fascists such as David who helped to pave the way for the Corporate Take Over of America and the resulting destruction of the Middle Class and Impoverishment of the Working Class. ”
Your astounding ignorance shows just how badly you need an econ101 class
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Jensen August 30, 2014 at 18:24
OMG – a Fourteen Year Old MGTOW!!!!!
George Freeman.
Pretty articulate! Is this real?
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She took a year off, and was the happiest I can recall in the marriage.
Son #2 was born after the medical council had been reformed and continuous documentation of CME and experience bought in — which meant that to keep yourself registered you could not take time off, and maternity care rationalized. We had 12 hours in the hospital.
There was less post natat care, and yes, we imported the model from the USA, and yes, the people who made these decisions were women.
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Jim August 30, 2014 at 15:53
“For the good of the child and the family, I think paternal leave should also be included in any parental leave legislation”
You are not entitled to free money because you have a child.
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Jim August 30, 2014 at 15:55
Fixed that for you David:
“It was the progressives and fascists such as David who helped to pave the way for the Corporate Take Over of America and the resulting destruction of the Middle Class and Impoverishment of the Working Class. ”
Your astounding ignorance shows just how badly you need an econ101 class
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Jensen August 30, 2014 at 18:24
OMG – a Fourteen Year Old MGTOW!!!!!
George Freeman.
Pretty articulate! Is this real?
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