7 Things You Should Never Say to Your Single Friends

Date de l'article : 28.01.2022
Auteur : Audrey Polard
Chapo de l'article : An Ode to Emily
More Than Meets The Eyes
Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
The Play Date
Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
Should You Settle?
Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
Cheating is a Cop Out
The Dance of Second Chances
1. It’s a numbers game: That is the last thing someone who just closed 1,456 matches on e-Harmony wants to hear. The absolute last thing.

2. It just takes one: No pressure. None at all there.

3. Been on any hot dates lately?: If we are on hot date, you will know about it. Everyone will - they are so rare that single ppl blast it from their rooftops.

4. Look on the bright side: This only reminds single people that they are operating on the dreary dark side. Thanks for reminding us there is a bright side that we may never get to. Greatly appreciated.

5. Maybe it will work out: You don’t think that. You thought it was hopeless and he was a total loser. Don’t mock us with false hope now.

6. It’s just a matter of time for you: If I have one more friend that tells me that, I swear I am going to end up on the ten o’clock news for malicious eye poking.

7. I know how you feel: No you don’t. You are happy with someone. You don’t know. And that is really okay.
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