{"bf_titre":"Surviving the Dating Drought","bf_date_article":"2022-01-28","bf_date_article_allday":"1","bf_date_article_hour":"00","bf_date_article_minutes":"00","listefiche2":,"bf_date_debut_evenement":,"bf_date_debut_evenement_allday":"1","bf_date_debut_evenement_hour":"00","bf_date_debut_evenement_minutes":"00","bf_date_fin_evenement":,"bf_date_fin_evenement_allday":"1","bf_date_fin_evenement_hour":"00","bf_date_fin_evenement_minutes":"00","bf_chapo":"[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4a8syQs Why Is Self-Esteem Important For Dating?]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4h6OoWZ Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4ad0QC7 Seizing New Dating Opportunities]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3WfL6sn The Perfect Movie Date at Home]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4h3rJe2 Single Men Don\u2019t Have Body Image Issues]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4hbd1lv What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4h6Opdv Equating \u2018Sexuality\u2019 with Male Sexuality]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3Wec7MR Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4ac3OqG How Jealousy Can Work For Us]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4a7Gf2h The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4a9mFTc Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3DKfZPt Even in Relationship You\u2019re All Alone]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4a9jgnw I Lack the Commitment Gene]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3DKfUeD Stop Crying and Be a Man]]\r\n\r\nIf you\u2019ve made it this far in the year without managing to lock yourself in some kind of relationship, then you\u2019re in for some harsh weather in the upcoming months. Every year at about this time, us single people suffer what I like to call the Dating Drought.\r\n\r\ndating drought weather map\r\n\r\nSometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving, people everywhere couple up, and a bunch of us, every time get left behind to suffer the drought. Don\u2019t ask me how this happens, for the life of me I can\u2019t figure it out because I can\u2019t manage to lock down a relationship for years a time, and suddenly within a month time period, everyone else can.\r\n\r\nDuring the month of October, everyone wants to be single \u2013 Halloween is a great time for single people to hook up and be slutty. But then all the single people feel the chill in the air of the drought and take shelter in their cozy little relationships before the dreaded end of the month in November. The holidays are a miserable time to be alone. The family pressures of being single and never finding a husband\/wife and having a family, missing out on all the holiday couple activities, spending alone time during the days of the year that were meant to be shared with those you love. The chilly weather makes it nice to cuddle up next to someone, everyone is hiding indoors and when you\u2019re single, you get a lot of alone time inside instead of romantic nights by the fire or under the blankets.\r\n\r\nusa weather map couples\r\n\r\nSince no one likes to be alone during this time, the dating scene dries up, everyone who is left behind becomes extraordinarily miserable, and we walk around for months in the drought, dried up and begging for a sip of water. We are lonely and desperate, we try to survive with what we have and pretend it\u2019s enough, but it\u2019s always just a mirage.\r\n\r\nAnd this goes on and on\u2026until Valentines Day. Even if couples start to struggle after all the pressures the holidays cause, they keep it together enough until Valentines Day. No one wants to be alone until after then, and so they continue on with their struggling relationship until the season changes, and the stormy Valentines Day clouds form. The day after, the clouds break, the rain falls and the drought for us single people is finally over.\r\n\r\nglobal warming drought\r\n\r\nSo single girls (and guys), pack yourself some water bottles and get ready to walk through the dating drought with me one more year. February 15: here we come!","bf_description":,"bf_video":,"bf_site_internet":,"id_typeannonce":"1","id_fiche":"SurvivingTheDatingDrought","createur":"Anonyme","date_creation_fiche":"2025-01-10 10:55:54","statut_fiche":"1","checkboxListeThematiques":null,"imagebf_image":"SurvivingTheDatingDrought_prague-262x350.jpg","fichierbf_fichier":"","date_maj_fiche":"2025-01-10 10:55:54"}

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