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{"bf_titre":"Special Kind of Fool: My Journey to Understanding Deep Love","bf_date_article":"2021-12-19","bf_date_article_allday":"1","bf_date_article_hour":"00","bf_date_article_minutes":"00","listefiche2":,"bf_date_debut_evenement":"2022-12-26","bf_date_debut_evenement_allday":"1","bf_date_debut_evenement_hour":"00","bf_date_debut_evenement_minutes":"00","bf_date_fin_evenement":"2022-12-28","bf_date_fin_evenement_allday":"1","bf_date_fin_evenement_hour":"00","bf_date_fin_evenement_minutes":"00","bf_chapo":"[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3ODlgdx Rediscovering Love on My Own Terms]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3D0NwED Single Men Who Want More Women]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4ihRnNE Open Letter To Men Who Want More]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4idyw6t For Men Who Love Poly Dating]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4icEwMC Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3CZav2Q Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3B05zu4 Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4in48q8 Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3OLPRFP Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4f219jW Why Master Monogamy]]\r\n\r\nUncle Elmer August 30, 2014 at 06:58\r\nIn other news : Looks like another case of Social Justice Warriors at work posting fake KKK recruitment flyers.\r\n\r\nAnd look out, here comes da flood.\r\n\r\nWell-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 0\r\nTFH August 30, 2014 at 11:34\r\nSo I am going to verbalize what we here know, but needs to be spread far and wide.\r\n\r\nWhat is the purpose of \u2018feminism\u2019, if not to halt this sort of sex-trafficking?\r\n\r\nIs there ANY other thing that \u2018feminism\u2019 should prioritize, if it were a legitimate political cause of any sort?\r\n\r\nInstead, what they do is :\r\n1) Use the government to artificially create a Sheryl Sandberg who would not exist in the free market.\r\n2) Crow about an imaginary rape culture among Westerners, while ignoring a REAL rape culture.\r\n3) Whine about not enough women receiving the money generated from the tech industry (note that there is no talk of actually doing tech work, on their part).\r\n\r\n\u2026.and a host of other phony causes.\r\n\r\nIf \u2018feminism\u2019 could not organize against this, then no one should pretend it is a real cause whatsoever.\r\n\r\nThat is the drum we have to beat.\r\n\r\nWell-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 1\r\nNate August 30, 2014 at 15:30\r\nYet, it\u2019s the \u201cmisogynists\u201d in the manosphere who are appalled by this. Pick a site at random and you will find a post condemning what happened. Look to a feminist or mainstream site \u2013 crickets.\r\n\r\n","bf_description":,"bf_video":,"bf_site_internet":,"id_typeannonce":"1","id_fiche":"SpecialKindOfFoolMyJourneyToUnderstandi","createur":"Anonyme","date_creation_fiche":"2024-12-10 10:38:10","statut_fiche":"1","checkboxListeThematiques":null,"imagebf_image":"SpecialKindOfFoolMyJourneyToUnderstandi_melysa-ford-300x199.jpeg","fichierbf_fichier":"","date_maj_fiche":"2024-12-10 10:38:10"}