{"bf_titre":"Kindness as a Superpower in Love","bf_date_article":"2023-01-29","bf_date_article_allday":"1","bf_date_article_hour":"00","bf_date_article_minutes":"00","listefiche2":,"bf_date_debut_evenement":,"bf_date_debut_evenement_allday":"1","bf_date_debut_evenement_hour":"00","bf_date_debut_evenement_minutes":"00","bf_date_fin_evenement":,"bf_date_fin_evenement_allday":"1","bf_date_fin_evenement_hour":"00","bf_date_fin_evenement_minutes":"00","bf_chapo":"[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/49YWnTO More On the Nuclear Family with Children Narrative]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4iX9E3k Loosening the Chains of the Nuclear Family]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4iSkabY Kindness and Modern Dating]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4gNRM8Q How to Navigate Uncertainty in Online Dating]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3DtnDgM A Dating Suggestion to the Deeply Frustrated]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/49X16VV Rethinking Gender Norms in Modern Dating]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/49STOm7 Obsessing About Strangers]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/49UFqJW Two Dates in One]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4iRFmyN Texts Or Calls And Dating]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/3Pc2lqL Men Like a Challenge]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4acUVxf Men Want to Feel Manly]]\r\n[[https:\/\/bit.ly\/4gPbSQf Issues with the Language of Dating Angst]]\r\n\r\nGiven the idyllic isolation of the home the couple chooses to settle and start their family in, far away from the troubles of their friends and family, I'm inclined to agree. And yet as a writer on modern relationships, and supportive of alternative models of being together, I also detect a strong whiff of conservatism in the reviewer's tone. And I can't help but wonder had this couple been \"happily married\" and about to have their first child, as is often the case in mainstream feel-good movies, if the review would have been a bit more \"feel good\" itself.\r\n\r\nDamon: This is an odd question for me to answer, because while I\u2019ve never \u201cdated\u201d interracially, the first woman I slept with in college was white.\r\n\r\nOutside of the fact that she was a senior and I was a freshman, our two month long relationship was pretty unremarkable. It was your garden variety college fuck buddy arrangement \u2014 I don\u2019t think I ever even saw her before 1am \u2014 but the circumstances around us meeting each other were so wrought with contrived stereotype that it could have easily been the premise for an episode of \u201cThe Game\u201d\r\n\r\nBasically, she approached me at a bar, and asked if I was \u201cDamon Young from the basketball team.\u201d When I replied \u201cYes,\u201d she whispered \u201cI want to fuck you\u201d in my ear. I (obviously) obliged.\r\n\r\nNow, although I realize that this story can be deconstructed from a thousand different angles, it\u2019s important to note that if she never approached me that night, I still probably would have never slept with and\/or dated a white woman.\r\n\r\nWhy? Well, for starters, I\u2019m much more attracted to African-American woman than I am to any other demographic. I\u2019ve also been lucky enough to live in places where black women are bountiful and (most importantly) I\u2019ve been lucky enough to have attractive black women attracted to and interested in me. While I definitely find women of all colors and cultures attractive, I\u2019ve never had a need to \u201cstep out.\u201d\r\n\r\nAnd, even if I did feel that need, all of my flirting, approaching, and dating experience has been with black (and \u201cblack acting\u201d Hispanic) women. I mean, I know that women are, for the most part, women, but there are some subtle and not so subtle differences in the way that different cultures of women act and respond to romantic interest. Basically, I have no clue how to approach non-black women. I wouldn\u2019t know what to say, how to flirt, how to gauge interest, etc.\r\n\r\n\r\n","bf_description":,"bf_video":,"bf_site_internet":,"id_typeannonce":"1","id_fiche":"
KindnessAsASuperpowerInLove","createur":"Anonyme","date_creation_fiche":"2025-01-02 11:05:54","statut_fiche":"1","checkboxListeThematiques":null,"imagebf_image":"KindnessAsASuperpowerInLove_alcoholism-warning-signs.png","fichierbf_fichier":"","date_maj_fiche":"2025-01-02 11:05:54"}